Many people remove breast implants: – The natural is the trend now in cosmetic procedures – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

Vilde Holm Raggan (30) looks at herself in the mirror. A tear runs down his cheek. She grabs the bandage, and begins to pull it away from her chest. Now she will see what she really looks like. For the first time in eight years. Back then, she hated what she saw. It’s different this time. Now she is proud of the scars that remain. – I feel free. I have finally found the voice that says I am good enough, she says. New popular procedure Vilde is part of a development that several plastic surgeons have seen over time. – We are facing a change now, says clinic manager Amin Kalaaji at Oslo plastic surgery. The surgeon sits in front of the PC in his office at Frogner. He goes over to a cupboard in the office and takes out several types of implants. – Before, many people wanted the biggest one, 500 grams in each breast. Now we see that the average size is going down, he says. It is not only the breast size that decreases. One of the most popular operations at the clinic in the past year is called Breast Implant Conversion. – We did this operation once in the previous six months. Now we do it one or more times a month. It is a sign of good health, he says. All clinics news has been in contact with tell about the same. – We probably feel that the time for the large breast implants is over, says responsible plastic surgeon Hilde bugge at Aleris. Week since the operation It has been a week since Vilde removed the silicone implants she got as a 23-year-old. She shared the video of her removing the bandage on social media. It has received over 7 million views on Tiktok. Vilde has a strong emotional reaction when she has to remove the bandage, and see her own body for the first time after eight years. Photo: Private – I have received over a hundred messages from girls who are in the same or a similar situation, she says. Just six months before, she would never have dared to share her story publicly. She was too afraid of what people would think of her. She continues: – I wanted to share so that I can be a support for others. There is so much unnecessary shame surrounding plastic surgery. New tits We rewind time. Vilde operates as a 23-year-old. For years she had hated the way she looked. Hated her body, her small tits. She herself waited for the tits which never came. She was asked if she had jogged away her tits. At the consultation, she barely managed to take off her bra in front of the surgeon. – After the operation, it didn’t take long before I realized that I had made a mistake. The pictures show Vilde before and after she removed the implants. The new tits she got didn’t make her feel better, on the contrary. She continues: – It’s not like silicone magically fixes your problems, she says. Body pressure Speech Maria Krohn Engvik, better known as Health Sister, talks to children and young people every day. She is not too surprised that the surgeons see this change. – It’s great, she says. Tale adds: – Last year there was a lot of focus on women’s health, and then many voices spoke about these things. It inspires others in turn, she says. She still says that there is a lot of body pressure and uncertainty out there. – That’s why I really support voices like Vilde, who talk about how demanding it can be to build up your own sense of self. Because it is so important, she says. Self-love Because it has taken years of Vilde’s life to get to where she is today. Years of intense work to be able to accept herself, and be able to give herself the same love she has given to others. Always saying good things to yourself in the mirror, presence, and trying not to be so critical of yourself has been part of that work. Vilde has found a lot of support in her friend Thea Raudberget, who also removed her posts a few years ago. Photo: Erlend Dalhaug Daae / news For Vilde, breast surgery was not the solution. – I went from being ashamed that I had small tits to being ashamed that I had taken silicone, she says. She has to take a deep breath with her stomach before continuing. The implant, which she wanted to take care of, she squeezes tightly in her hand. Vilde wanted to take care of the implant after the operation. Now she uses it as a stress ball. Photo: Erlend Dalhaug Daae / news – It hurts to think about what I exposed myself to, in order to be accepted by others. I have carried that shame with me on my chest, she says. In total, the girls have spent close to a hundred thousand kroner on the operations. It is important for them to say that there is nothing wrong with wanting to fix their appearance. – For some, it is part of an expression they want. The most important thing is that you know it comes from a good place, says Vilde. Hello! Did you come up with any thoughts that you would like to share with me after reading this case? I would love to hear from you. In the past, I have written about outsiders, loneliness and health.
