Many people contact the shelters – believe that it is not only negative

The case in summary: Crisis centers in Norway are experiencing a large increase in the number of people making contact. The crisis center in Molde has handled almost as many cases as they did during the whole of last year. They have also had to send seven cases on to other shelters. The increase in inquiries can be due to several things, including increased focus on partner murder in the media and financial challenges. The crisis center in Molde has worked actively to inform about their services, which may have led to increased demand. The crisis center in Sogn og Fjordane and in Bergen also reports a marked increase in inquiries. The crisis center secretariat reports many inquiries and expects an increase from last year. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – We have had quite hectic days, says deputy manager at the crisis center in Molde, Anita Fjørtoft. Until now, they have had to deal with almost as many cases as they did during the whole of last year. In 2023, they had a total of 79 adults and children living at the crisis centre, so far this year they have had 69. Last year, 179 people used the day service. This year, the number is 107. It was Romsdal’s Budstikke that wrote about the increase first. Have sent people on – There has been so much activity here that we have unfortunately had to say no to a number of people who have contacted us about a housing offer, says Fjørtoft. Until now, they have had to send seven cases on to other crisis centres. She cannot remember that they have had to say no to so many in the past. – It’s not nice, but that’s the way it is. At the crisis center in Molde, they have one ward for women and one for men, but there is a large preponderance of women who live at the centre. Photo: Mari Aandahl Kippernes / news Thinks there are several reasons The deputy manager at the crisis center in Molde believes there are several reasons for the large influx they are experiencing this year. – There have been a lot of partner murders in Norway recently that have been the focus of the media, she says. Fjørtoft also points out that the expensive times are very challenging for many, which can lead to more violence. But she also says that as a crisis center they have worked actively to let people know that there is a professional offer with expertise in violence in close relationships. – It is sad that people experience things that make them need protection and that they need to contact the crisis centre. But once the situation is like this, we are happy for people to get in touch. Anita Fjørtoft and Marit Paulsen, who both work at the crisis center in Molde, say that they have good cooperation with the police, child welfare and other agencies. Photo: Mari Aandahl Kippernes / news Many inquiries The situation in Molde is not unique. Anja Korneliussen, who is the general manager at the crisis center in Sogn og Fjordane, says that they also have a strong increase from last year. – We have had a great many inquiries so far this year, and are not too far off from the same level as for the whole of last year. – How do you think the rest of the year will be? – If things continue as they are now, we will see a marked increase from last year. Usually, there is the greatest influx in August, September and October, before it calms down over the New Year. They also see the same trend in Bergen. – We have noticed an enormous increase, both with those who need a protection offer, and those who need advice, guidance and support. We have an increase of around 40 per cent so far this year, says manager of the crisis center Pia Krüger Grönqvist. – A very special year Ane Fossum, who is the general manager of the Crisis Center Secretariat, says that they receive feedback from their members about many inquiries. – Norway generally has a high violent crime rate, she says. Ane Fossum, general manager of the Crisis Center secretariat, says that their members are also experiencing a great deal of pressure. Photo: Crisis center secretariat Although they do not have official figures for 2024, she believes there will be an increase from last year. – It has been a very special year with a lot of violence in close relationships, and not least partner murder and murder in close relationships. There is nothing to indicate that there will not be an increase, she says. Like the center in Molde, she believes the number of murder cases and the media coverage have a lot to say for the increase. – Perhaps it means that more people recognize the situation they are in, but also that people think that it is very important to get in touch and get help, because in the worst case the outcome can be fatal, she says. Published 26/07/2024, at 17.51
