– Many are affected by this – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– It is a blow in the face to receive this message. There are many people and families who are affected, says chief protection officer Vidar Ree to news. The decision comes as a result of significant overproduction of silicon for solar cells worldwide. This has led to a dramatic price drop for Rec’s Norwegian-made products, the board writes in a press release. The closure means that around 100 employees will lose their jobs. – The employees take it hard. Nobody wants to lose their job, says chief union representative Andreas Hadland. Wanted to continue production The employees were informed at general meetings on Wednesday afternoon. Managing director Jan Enno Bicker says that they have tried to keep the wheels turning. – We have implemented several measures in the last 12 months to maintain the business, but we have reached the point where it is unfortunately not possible to envisage production of silicon in Norway breaking even. – We regret that this now affects skilled Rec employees, says Bicker. In the press release, it is pointed out that the negative market development, high production costs and volatile energy prices are expected to continue. CEO of Rec Solar Norway, Jan Enno Bicker, says that they have worked for a year to maintain the business. Photo: Tom Nicolai Kolstad / news Hoping for acquisition Work committee member Cay Nordhaug in Industri Energi, who represents many of the employees in Rec Solar, has followed the situation at the company closely. He points out that Norway and the EU have strategies for investing in the solar industry and that they had hoped that the owners would continue in Norway. – Unfortunately, it turned out not to go in that direction. Our job now is to follow up our members, says Nordhaug. He believes that the investment in this type of industry in Europe means that new owners can come in. – We have little hope that there may be new owners who want to invest in solar production in Southern Norway, says Nordhaug. Work committee member Cay Nordhaug in Industri Energi, who represents many of the employees in Rec Solar, has followed the situation at the company closely. Photo: Anna Rut Tørressen / news A “wake-up call” Mayor of Kristiansand Mathias Bernander (H), believes the closure of the industrial company is serious. – I am primarily sorry for the employees who lose their jobs, he says to news. He believes the closure shows that the region has poor competitiveness. – It is a “wake-up call”. Now I have been in this job for just over a month and we have lost over 300 jobs, says Bernander. Mayor of Kristiansand Mathias Bernander (H), says he will contact the shop stewards in the company to hear about how the municipality can help. Photo: Vetle Hjortland / news Bernander also points out that, among other things, Tine will close down the dairy in Kristiansand. – I want to contact the shop stewards in Rec to find out if the municipality can help with anything, says Bernander. Has been closed Rec Solar shut down production in August last year citing high electricity prices. Over 200 employees in Kristiansand and Porsgrunn were made redundant. In March this year, the company restarted production with 122 employees, after 50 were made redundant and around 80 had resigned even after getting other jobs. As late as October, however, production was shut down again in Kristiansand due to a general decline in the market. The employees then did not receive any layoff notice. The company has struggled financially for a long time. The accounts for 2022 show a deficit of NOK 335 million. Have your say here: Hi! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue
