Man to hospital after fire in detached house in Bergen – news Vestland

26 July 2024 at 12:22 Man to hospital after fire in detached house in Bergen At 12.17 an explosive fire was reported in the basement of a house in Loddefjord in Bergen. West police district states that a petrol can may have caught fire. A man in his 40s got out of the house and received health care on the spot, before being taken to Haukeland Hospital. He is awake and aware. The resident reported the fire himself. It was initially unclear whether there were several people at home, but the fire service and the police inform news that the house is empty and that no one is missing. Open flames and smoke were observed from the basement, and the fire service rushed out with personnel from three stations. The fire was confined to the interior of the building, and it was unclear whether there was more petrol at the site. At 12.21 the police report that the fire has been extinguished.
