Man threatened random people with a gun in Trondheim – Latest news – news

21 February 2024 at 03:06 Man threatened random people with a gun in Trondheim A man in his 20s was arrested on Wednesday night on suspicion of violence and threats with a firearm at Møllenberg in Trondheim. – A man who was out for a walk on Møllenberg contacted us at 2.26 and told us that he had been threatened with a weapon by another man, operations manager Trond Hangaas in Trøndelag police district tells NTB. – We moved out with several patrols and took control of the gunman. He is in custody, and will be questioned later today, says the operations manager. He states that the weapon, a revolver or pistol, was real. But no shots were fired during the incident. The man who was threatened had no relation to the suspect, according to the police. – Just before this happened, the arrested man allegedly subjected another person to violence, so there are two victims in the case, says Hangaas. The gunman is not unknown to the police, according to the operation manager. (NTB)
