Man suspected of having made the Lockerbie bomb has been arrested – Latest news – news

11 December 2022 at 13:39 Man suspected of having made the Lockerbie bomb has been arrested The man suspected of having made the Lockerbie bomb has been arrested in the United States, writes Reuters. On 21 December 1988, a plane on its way from Heathrow in England to New York in the USA was blown up by terrorists over the Scottish town of Lockerbie. All 243 passengers on board died as a result of the terrorist attack. So did the crew of 16 people, and eleven of the city’s residents who were hit by the plane or parts of the plane after it crashed. A powerful bomb was placed in a suitcase, which was lying with the rest of the luggage in the hold of the plane, a Boeing 747 Jumbojet from the American company Pan Am.
