Man sentenced to eleven years in custody for attempted murder of two teenagers on the subway in Oslo – Latest news – news

28 June 2023 at 15:22 Man sentenced to eleven years in custody for attempted murder of two teenagers on the subway in Oslo A man has been sentenced in the Oslo District Court to 11 years in custody after attempting to kill two teenagers inside the subway between Hellerud and Skøyenåsen in Oslo . The custodial sentence has a minimum term of seven years and eight months, writes Avisa Oslo. In court, the man admitted that he carried a weapon, but denied that he tried to kill the two, who were 17 and 18 years old when the incident took place on August 15, almost two years ago. The two young men were shot inside a subway car between Hellerud and Skøyenåsen subway stations. In questioning with the police, the man in his mid-30s explained that it was not his intention to shoot the two victims. According to him, the shots must have been fired by accident in connection with a basketball game with them. The man has been convicted a number of times in the past. In January 2021, he was sentenced to prison for several cases of violence, threats, damage and harassment of a public official. In addition to the custodial sentence, the convicted person must pay compensation of NOK 250,000 to one victim and NOK 200,000 to the other. (NTB)
