Man sentenced to 21 years in prison by the Court of Appeal in a drug case at Toten – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

In 2021, a drug laboratory was discovered at Toten. The five convicts, who are from Eastern Europe, have been involved in the production and sale of over 300 kilograms of finished amphetamine. The main man in the case has now been sentenced to 21 years in prison by the Court of Appeal. The other four defendants have been sentenced to prison for 11 years, 9 years, 5 ½ years and 5 years respectively, which is lower than the sentence from the district court. In addition, confiscation of a garage, a car and an amount of cash was ordered. The production took place in the winter and spring semesters of 2020, and in the spring of 2021. Central as evidence in the case was communication from encrypted messaging services. One of these services was operated by the FBI, in connection with the international police operation “Trojan Shield”. In this basement room in the house in Østre Toten, the police found large quantities of amphetamine products and raw materials for such production. Photo: The police Satisfied with the verdict State prosecutor and prosecutor in the case, Johan Petter Bærland, is satisfied that they were upheld in the claim of 21 years in prison for the ringleader. – We are satisfied with that, he says to news. State Attorney Johan Petter Bærland. Photo: Frode Meskau / news For three of the other defendants, the sentence is lower than the allegation, while the fourth had the sentence increased from four to five years. – We also see there that severe prison sentences have been imposed based on the result that the Court of Appeal reached when it came to the assessment of evidence, he says, and emphasizes: – So we are satisfied that the Court of Appeal has followed us on a number of key points here, he says . news has tried to get in touch with the defense attorney for the main defendant, Ann Kristin Aarø, without success. Large quantity Something that has been decisive for the severe prison sentences in the case is the quantity of drugs. – It is something that has been quite controlling for the punishment, says Bærland. – For the police, this is an extensive case, which it was important to bring to court and get a decision there, he says. When the case went to the district court in Lillehammer, the police were present. Photo: Alexander Nordby / news Track down two homes As mentioned, the verdict in this case is a result of the international police operation “Trojan Shield”, which is said to have led to more than 100 murders being averted. In this case, the Norwegian police gained access to messages from encrypted communication services from colleagues abroad. This allowed them to see what was communicated between criminals in Norway. This has led to nine arrests in Norway. As a result of this, the police came on the trail of two residential buildings in Østre Toten. In the basement of one house, what has been described as an amphetamine laboratory was discovered. It was, among other things, in an outbuilding on Østre Toten where parts of the production must have taken place. Photo: Alexander Nordby / news Also in an outbuilding connected to the second home, it is believed that extensive production of amphetamines took place. The operation has been going on for several years. The police in 16 countries have been involved. 800 people have been arrested.
