Man sentenced in the Supreme Court for Facebook comments – news Vestland

30 September 2022 at 15:27 Man sentenced in the Supreme Court for Facebook comments A man living in the Bergen region has been sentenced in the Supreme Court for making hateful statements against a transgender person. The threats were made in several statements on Facebook. It is the first time a case of this nature has been taken up in the Supreme Court. The case has previously been in the Court of Appeal and the District Court, but went all the way to the Supreme Court. The man has been sentenced to 15 days in prison and a fine of NOK 15,000. – We are very pleased with the success of this vision. This type of harassing speech goes far beyond freedom of speech. When it becomes full of hatred against trans people, it is over the limit of what is legal, and the Supreme Court has now confirmed that, states attorney Rudolf Christoffersen to news.
