Man is being investigated for crossing the Norwegian-Russian border illegally – news Troms and Finnmark

At 12 o’clock yesterday, the police arrested a man at Korpfjellet in Sør-Varanger at the Norwegian-Russian border. Police suspect that the man crossed the border illegally. The case is now under investigation. On Friday afternoon, police lawyer Lisa Moon Sneve informs news that it is a question of asylum. – The person who was encountered yesterday has asked for protection in Norway, and is therefore followed up further in that track. There is nothing more the police can say beyond that. Police attorney Lisa Moon Sneve has investigated the case where a man crossed the Norwegian-Russian border illegally on Thursday this week. Photo: Frida Ravna Rømo / news Strictly guarded area The man is said to have walked in through the wilderness terrain from the Kola Peninsula in Russia. It is strictly illegal to cross the border from the terrain. Such passages rarely take place. A man is being investigated for illegal border crossing. The man was arrested by Norwegian police at Korpfjellet, northeast of Sør-Varanger on Thursday. Thursday’s incident may be the first illegal passage since 2015, according to The Independent Barents Observers, who wrote about the case first. Then a Chinese citizen tried to cross the border illegally near Vestre Jakobselv. The newspaper further writes that the area on the Russian side is strictly guarded with surveillance and a barbed wire fence that extends over the entire area. – No drama Border Commissioner at the Norwegian-Russian border, Jens-Arne Høilund, confirms to news that such incidents rarely occur. Høilund has worked as a commissioner for two years. This is the first time he has experienced an illegal border crossing. Border Commissioner Jens-Arne Høilund at the Norwegian-Russian border. Photo: Private – It is not something we are unprepared for, although it rarely happens. We have a good cooperation with the Russian side. There are agreed mechanisms on how this should be handled, says the border commissioner and emphasizes that the case is under investigation by the police. From the Norwegian side, the passage was not perceived as dramatic. – This is something we will deal with. There is no drama surrounding this, but it is a special situation in that it does not happen very often. – Is it extra worrying that this is happening in the time we are in now? – There have been no indications that this has a connection with other events in Europe, Høilund answers.
