Man indicted for violating NNPF summits – the state attorney involved is himself a member – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

The man is accused of having put up posters in Oslo that had the police logo and the text “WANTED”. The indictment states that he “violated the peace of another by intimidating or troublesome behavior or other reckless behavior.” The man has admitted to putting up “wanted” posters of public prosecutor Geir Evanger and police officer Jan Erik Bresil. Bresil and Evanger are both involved in the Norwegian Narcotics Police Association (NNPF) as leader and deputy leader respectively. Through QR codes on the posters, you could access websites about the Role Understanding Committee, and about operation SULT. The case was investigated by the Oslo police district. However, the Hedmark and Oppland state prosecutor’s offices decided to bring charges, when the Oslo state prosecutor’s office considered that they were too close to Evanger to make a competent assessment. But the public prosecutor who decided to press charges against the man is himself a member of the NNPF. This shows membership lists news has received from the Ministry of Justice. – This will be the subject of consideration when the court starts tomorrow. The prosecution will not make further comments, writes prosecutor Sigrid Morseth in an SMS to news. news has tried to get in touch with the first attorney Iris Øsp Lydsdottir Storås in the Hedmark and Oppland state prosecutor’s offices, but has not yet succeeded. She is the current public prosecutor’s boss. Does not see herself as incompetent In a letter news has been given access to by defender Jon Wessel Aas, the state attorney confirms that she has been a member of the association since 2014. However, she does not perceive herself as incompetent, as she has never held a prominent position in the association , and does not have a personal or professional relationship with the parties in the case. The accused man’s defender, Jon Wessel Aas, thinks that is highly objectionable. Especially in light of the Role Understanding Committee’s recent report, where they concluded that the police and the justice sector had not distinguished their roles well enough. – To put it mildly, it is a serious work accident, says the defender. – The public prosecutor was only involved in the indictment, not in the investigation. Does that matter? – Yes. It is absolutely crucial that the person bringing the charges is competent. It is just as crucial that the judge who will rule in the case is competent. In my view, there is no doubt that then you are incompetent, says defender Jon Wessel Aas to news. – Remarkably, Wessel Aas himself found out about the state attorney’s possible disqualification through social media on Friday, and contacted the prosecutor in the case right away. Jon Wessel Aas is the defender of the accused man in his 40s. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB If the prosecution itself does not decide that the indictment must be re-examined, he will present this to the court on Monday, he says. – It is mildly ironic. I don’t understand how you can put yourself in that situation. Some are already questioning the fact that charges were brought in this case. But when you also manage to end up with the person bringing charges being a member of the association, I think that’s remarkable, says Wessel Aas. He has previously told news that the man does not plead guilty, as he believes the posters were satirical. State attorney and NNPF deputy chairman Geir Evanger has said that he finds the posters “particularly unpleasant”, and has announced a claim for compensation of NOK 50,000. – Then I understand that it is a kind of irony. But there is a limit to how far you can go, and what you have to put up with for things you have been involved in as a public prosecutor, Evanger told news before Christmas.
