Man in his 30s charged with murder of woman in Oslo – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– We have started a murder investigation based on the findings at the scene, police attorney Christian Hatlo at the Oslo police district tells news. The police received a message via AMK in Oslo at 23:37 on Thursday evening that a person was seriously injured in an apartment on Teisen in Oslo. When the police and ambulance arrived at the scene, a woman in her 60s was found seriously injured. – The woman was later declared dead on the spot, operations manager Gjermund Stokkli at the Oslo police district tells news. At the same place, the police arrested a man, who is now charged with murder. The police say the murder does not appear random. – It is difficult to say anything about the motive at the present time. They know each other in connection with residence, says Hatlo. The police are working at the scene after a person has been confirmed dead, after being injured with a sharp object in Oslo. One person has been arrested in the case. Photo: NTB Accused not questioned The man who has been arrested has so far not been questioned. – He will be questioned on Friday, and will then have a defender appointed, says Hatlo. The accused is previously known to the police. – We are very much in the initial phase and mapping the course of events as far as we can tonight, says the police attorney. The police have carried out technical and tactical investigations at the crime scene. – As a matter of routine, we take round inquiries and collect all we can of technical evidence and witness statements now. Then it is natural to question the accused at some point, but it has not been carried out so far, says Hatlo. The woman will be sent for an autopsy today. Have made several seizures The police rule out the use of firearms, but say that a sharp object has been used against the woman. The police confirm that they have found several objects at the scene. – We had forensic technicians at the scene last night who took a number of seizures, without me being able to comment further, says Hatlo. It is too early to say whether it is the object that has been used, and what the motive for the murder is. – We are a few hours into an investigation that could explode, so we are cautious even though it looks pretty good, says Hatlo. The police say that there is no indication that more people are involved in the incident.
