Man in his 20s had his driver’s license confiscated due to icy roads on Moholt in Trondheim – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– It’s almost like driving blind. This can create very dangerous situations. You neither see fellow drivers nor any pedestrians. That’s what Anne Birgitte Arras, head of operations in the police in Trøndelag, says. – That is why it is so strict – that we report and that driving licenses are confiscated. She points to the motorist who was stopped with a very icy windscreen on Moholt in Trondheim on Monday morning. Taking the chance The operations manager imagines that the man in his 20s has had a bad time, and thinks that the route is thawing quickly. – Then you just take a chance. But with the traffic education we go through – everyone should be aware of this, she says, and points out that it is both dangerous and strict. Arras describes that the police experience this – if not every day – but quite often at this time of year. – It’s typical when winter comes – and you haven’t quite found the ice scraper and the broom yet, then you take the chance. Clear invitation Her invitation is to start a little earlier. – Get up five minutes earlier. You must expect that there is ice on the window if you do not have a warm garage where the car is parked. Scrape carefully, and on all routes so you have good visibility in all directions, urges the operations manager. – If you think about it, you would like those you meet along the road to have good visibility.
