Man in his 20s from Østerdalen has been sentenced to custody after assaulting 21 girls – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

“Dirtykonk, everything is deleted after the conk, and nothing is shared. The prize is NOK 5,500 and is constantly rising. Whoever sends the most and/or the dirtiest wins,” the 24-year-old man from Østerdalen published on his Snapchat account. The man has lured children through Snapchat, the verdict states. Now the man has been sentenced to detention. The man had a total of over 9,400 images and over 2,400 videos depicting sexual abuse of children or sexualized children. The man has been convicted of several cases of rape, in two of the cases with children under 14 years of age. In addition, according to the verdict, he has acquired sexual relations through violence and threats with girls aged 14-16. He has also promoted prostitution and offered payment in the form of goods to have intercourse with him. Defense attorney Helge Hartz tells news that he has not had time to go through the verdict in detail, but that he has registered the conclusion and will go through it together with the client as soon as possible. Acknowledged criminal guilt Hartz has previously stated to news that the man has acknowledged part of the conditions in the indictment, but also denied criminal guilt for some of the items. Based on that, Hartz put forward a claim that the 24-year-old should be acquitted of some of the conditions, and beyond that is considered in the mildest possible way. The man is said to have offered money for gross nude photos and videos, but the police have no information that the girls have received. – Furthermore, no information has emerged that the defendant has sent money to any of the victims, said prosecutor Hildegunn Tronsli. The list of “prices” was found at the man’s residence in connection with a search. Photo: The police More than four weeks were set aside for the trial. In court, he must have pleaded guilty to some of what he was convicted of. At the same time, he claimed that he did not remember either the competition or chats he allegedly had with children. The prosecutor requested that the man be sentenced to 15 years in custody, with a minimum term of 10 years. What is custody? Custody is used as a punishment when a regular, time-limited prison sentence is not considered to be enough to protect society, according to the Norwegian Correctional Service. In order to be sentenced to detention, one must usually have committed a serious crime that violates the life, health or freedom of others, such as violent and sexual crimes and deprivation of liberty. There must also be a imminent danger that the person concerned will commit new such serious crimes. A custodial sentence is indefinite. This means that the sentence can be extended by five years at a time as long as the court deems it necessary due to the risk of recurrence. A minimum term must nevertheless be set, and release cannot take place until the minimum term has been served. The serving of a custodial sentence must be more individually tailored than the serving of a normal prison sentence. Remand prisoners must therefore initially serve time together with other remand prisoners in their own prisons or wards. Source: Correctional Service Arrested again The assaults must have taken place between 2020 and 2021. The 24-year-old was arrested and detained in October 2021. He was released in February 2022. He was arrested again at the end of March 2023. The reason was that he committed new criminal offences. The police then identified several new victims. The case took place in Elverum courthouse for four weeks at the end of last year. Photo: Linda Vespestad / news
