Man found in tent in Bergen identified – may have been dead for three years – news Vestland

The police have now identified the person who was found dead in a tent at Sandsli in Bergen on 26 February this year. – We have identified a man in his 50s who has lived in Bergen, says Grunde Næss, section leader for investigations at Bergen Sør. The deceased was identified using DNA from relatives. The investigations carried out by the police indicate that the man may have died in February 2020. He may therefore have been lying there for three years before he was found by a walker with a dog. Here the tent with the deceased man was found. Photo: Lars Christian Wallace / news Don’t know the cause of death The police have collected electronic traces through the investigation. They still do not know what the cause of death is, but they have not found any information to suggest that the man must have been the victim of a criminal act. At the request of the next of kin, the police will not release the name of the deceased man. – They really just want peace, says Næss. – Thought he had been lying there for a long time. The man was found in a tent in a wooded area close to buildings, hiking trails, cycle paths and light rail. It was dog owner Turid Mjåtveit who found the man when she was out looking for a missing dog, together with her own dog Ask in the area. Mjåtveit has previously explained that the tent was only around 40-50 meters from the light rail stop. The forest clearing where the tent with the man in his 50s was found is not far from both the motorway, footpath and light rail tracks. Photo: Odd Arne Olderbakk / news When she learns that the police think the man may have been lying there for three years, she is not surprised. – It was as I told the police. I thought he had been in bed for a long time. I saw what it looked like there when I found the tent. She goes on to say that it looked like the man had lived there for a while. According to her, there were many things both inside and outside the tent. Among other things, foodstuffs and a passport were found in the tent. – The fact that it has actually been three years ago and no one has reported him missing is very sad. Alerted about the tent three years ago The police were alerted about the tent already in 2020. They then contacted Bergen municipality. Head of the section for nature and environmental management in the Urban Environment Agency, Kristin Madsen Klokkeide, confirms to news that the agency received a report from the police on 19 May 2020. – The report concerned the use of the area and a possible need for clean-up as a result of littering. According to Klokkeide, the message was passed on to the operations department, which went out to investigate. – They did not find the tent, and the case was not followed up further in terms of the Open Air Act or clearance, which is what the Urban Environment Agency should look into in such a case. The section leader says they have not received any other messages about the case after May 2020. Criticizes poor search Mjåtveit is critical of the fact that the municipality did not find the tent. She says that it took her ten minutes to find the tent when she searched with her dog. – Bergen municipality was told to clean up this tent three years ago. The municipality would have found the tent if they had got out of the car. news has asked Klokkeide what search work was done when the operations department investigated the area. – The Norwegian Environment Agency receives many inquiries and reports about littering, which we investigate. Unfortunately, we don’t have further details about this since it was a long time ago, and when we didn’t find the tent, no further work was done to document the case, she replies. The man was found in a tent at Sandsli, south of Bergen.
