Man found dead outdoors – the police have started a murder investigation – news Vestland

The accused man denies criminal guilt. – He does not plead guilty to the charge and will petition to be released at the court hearing on Thursday, says the defender Jørgen Riple to news on Wednesday evening. It was around 9.40pm on Tuesday evening that the police and ambulance went to a private residence on Melkeplassen in Bergen. – When the police arrived at the scene, we found a man in his 30s with what appeared to be stab wounds, says prosecutor Inger-Lise Høyland. – He was immediately taken to Haukeland hospital, but was pronounced dead there shortly afterwards. The person is of foreign origin and had a temporary residence permit in Norway. The accused person is also in his 30s and of foreign origin. An area has been cordoned off in connection with the death. Photo: Benjamin Dyrdal / news Knew each other Both have connections to the same address, according to the police. The relationship between them is to be investigated further. Riple states that the accused and the deceased knew each other. – But it is not a close relationship, he says. The police have interviewed several people who live in the building. – This is a building with several apartments. I cannot go into more detail about which people we have questioned are there, says Høyland. The police have not yet decided whether the accused man should be remanded in custody, but there will probably be a court hearing on Thursday. – We have also been in contact with an expert to assess the accused’s sanity, says Høyland in the police. The man’s defense attorney says the accused spent many hours in questioning on Tuesday. – He cooperates well with the police. He has answered all questions, given the police access to all social media and mobile phones, and consented to everything they wanted. As far as Riple is aware, there are no more interviews planned with the man in the next few days. Shall map electronic contact On the night of Wednesday, a larger area around the house was cordoned off. The person was found lifeless with stab wounds outside the house and immediately taken to Haukeland University Hospital. He was pronounced dead at 10:24 p.m. On Wednesday morning, the police’s crime technicians were still carrying out investigations at the residence in question. They have gained control of a weapon, and there are traces of blood at the scene. The police have been working through the night to secure physical and electronic traces, they stated in a press release on Wednesday. The police have started a murder investigation following the discovery of a dead man outdoors at a home on Melkeplassen in Bergen. Photo: Maria Gunnarsdotter Svedal / news – There were police dogs that roamed the area yesterday, a nearby resident tells news, who says they became aware of the incident when they saw blue lights outside. – They were looking for things outside the building and around the garden. Further work involves reviewing surveillance cameras and electronic contact between the two, says Høyland. The investigators have no information that there has been a conflict between the accused and the victim from before. Relatives did not notify There were other people in the house, including the landlord, who notified the police. Four people who were present in the house when the police arrived at the scene were taken to the police station in Bergen on Tuesday for witness interviews. The autopsy will take place at the Gades Institute during the course of tomorrow. The deceased has been identified, but next of kin have not yet been notified. Therefore, a legal aid lawyer has not been appointed in the case either. – We have not been able to make contact with relatives of the victim, says Høyland. Police outside the address on Wednesday night. Photo: Maria Gunnarsdotter Svedal / news Another resident in the area tells news that they noticed the large emergency call to the home on Tuesday evening. – This is something I have been worried about with that house there. There has been a lot of unrest in an otherwise quiet neighborhood. She says this address has had the police visit monthly in certain periods, and weekly in others. The incidents there have meant that her household has at times been afraid for their own safety, she explains further.
