Man found dead in Stavern – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Late on Tuesday evening, a man in his 50s was found dead in a house in the small coastal town in Larvik municipality. The man’s partner is now charged with murder, but has not yet been arrested. The police have also had no contact with the woman. She is now internationally wanted, according to VG. On Wednesday evening, the police searched Stavern with a dog. A drone has also been searched over the water basin at Varden. – In parallel with the fact that we have a theory and charge against the presumed perpetrator, we are also investigating other possible theories as to why she is missing. Then it is natural to look for her in the local area as well, says police attorney Ole Jacob Garder to news on Wednesday evening. Police prosecutor Ole Jacob Garder informed the press in Larvik on Wednesday afternoon. Photo: Håkon Lie / news Tactical and technical investigations Garder confirmed earlier today to newspaper Varden that the couple’s cars are still at the residence. According to news’s ​​reporter, a tow truck arrived at the scene on Wednesday evening. – There is a car at the address that we routinely want to bring in to have it examined, says Garder to news. The deceased man has not been formally identified, but the police have a guess as to who it may be. Both are Norwegian citizens. The next of kin have been notified, with the caveat that the police have not been able to confirm a secure identity. – A number of tactical and technical investigations have been carried out during the night and this will continue throughout the day on Wednesday, says Garder. Several witness interviews will be conducted from people who live in the immediate area, in addition to the cohabiting couple’s family. The police are now in the process of getting an overview of the cohabiting couple’s movements recently, he confirms. – We are also working on mapping whether they have properties elsewhere, but it doesn’t look like that now. We do not have security guards elsewhere. Forensic technicians from the police are still working in the home on Wednesday evening. Photo: Theo Aasland Valen / news Received a report of concern from the family of accused Sol Elden in Elden Advokatfirma has been appointed as counsel for the bereaved. – They are, of course, strongly affected by the case, and I will follow up so that they are looked after as well as possible in the situation they are in. Elden will now establish a dialogue with the police, obtain the case’s documents and assist them in any questioning. The police went to the home on Tuesday after family members were worried because they could not get in touch with the woman who has now been charged. They had not been able to get in touch with her for several days. The deceased man was found in a home in Stavern on Tuesday evening. Police are still working on the scene on Wednesday. Photo: Håkon Lie / news After the murder alarm was sounded on Tuesday evening, the police started an early search for the woman. She is in her late forties. On Wednesday morning, the police do not wish to elaborate on why they suspect the woman of the murder beyond the fact that findings at the scene provide reasonable grounds for the charge. – Do you have control over the murder weapon? – Part of those investigations are about looking for murder weapons. I cannot comment on the type of murder weapon. Rubbish cans are collected from the residence on Wednesday evening. Photo: Theo Aasland Valen / news Several theories – At the same time, it is natural that the police work on the basis of several theories about what may have happened and we keep all possibilities open, but first and foremost we want to get in touch with the woman, says Garder. It is too early to have any idea about the motive for the incident, he says. – It is too early to say anything about when the murder took place and we are working to map the possible time. – He has been there for some time, but not for long. The woman and the man are registered as residents at the same address, and have only lived at the address for a few months. Police car outside the home in Stavern. Photo: Håkon Lie / news Garder also states that neither the wanted woman nor the man they assume is the deceased is known to the police from before. Some tips have come in to the police in the case, but no tips have so far resulted in the woman being found. The police are interested in tips from the public that can help shed light on the incident. – The police’s main task now is to find the woman and then to uncover the sequence of events, says Garder. – Shocking experience to receive such a message The accused woman’s employer refers to her as a respected colleague. – We were informed by the police on Tuesday evening. We have informed her colleagues and are looking after them, he says to news. They have taken the necessary measures to ensure that the employees are looked after in a good way. – It is naturally a shocking experience to receive such a message. The announcement was received with shock and disbelief among the employee’s colleagues. She is a highly respected colleague, he says.
