Man charged with attempted murder after “ring på run” – Latest news – news

18 October 2022 at 11:22 Man charged with attempted murder after “ring på spring” The man in his late 30s who was arrested on Friday after an ax attack on a teenager in Bergen is now charged with attempted murder. This is confirmed by police attorney Farzad Izadi in the West police district to news. – It is based on explanations from witnesses and medical findings that we now think it is right to change the charges, says Izadi. The incident is said to have taken place after the teenagers were playing “ring and jump”, when the man allegedly attacked one of them with an axe. TV 2 reported on the prosecution first. – The way forward now is to take more questions and carry out investigations into the matter, says Izadi to news. On Monday, news reported that the boy had been discharged from the hospital after the incident.
