Man charged after boat accident in which son died – news Vestland

A man in his 40s is on trial in Hordaland district court for negligently causing his son’s death. In September 2022, he was the driver of a boat in the Byfjord in Bergen that capsized when it hit a wave. On board the boat was his own son, who died of drowning. The man is said to have maintained a much too high speed for the conditions, which is said to have led to the boat capsizing when it hit a wave. According to the indictment, the boat had a speed of up to 91.36 knots, corresponding to 169.2 kilometers per hour. – The capsize led to the passengers and himself being thrown out of the boat into the sea, and the boat was left upside down in the water, the indictment states. Published 28.06.2024, at 08.34 Updated 28.06.2024, at 08.45
