Man arrested for threats against the pride parade – news Vestland

11 June 2023 at 08:52 Man arrested for threats against the pride parade A man in his 20s was arrested yesterday because of threats against the pride parade in Bergen. – He is charged with threats against the pride parade and was arrested on the basis of that, says police attorney Laila Skeide. The man has not been questioned yet, but the police will question him shortly, she says. It was before the parade on Saturday that the man was arrested. Skeide will not say anything about the content of the threats, but indicates that they have appeared on social media and that they were aimed at the parade. It was Bergens Tidende that reported the case first. The police attorney states that they became aware of the threat several hours before the parade was due to start. The man will probably not be produced for remand, says Skeide. The police do not suspect that more people are involved.
