Major search operation outside Tromsø for missing hiker – news Troms and Finnmark

– A deceased person has been found. She has been missing since this afternoon, and unfortunately she has been found dead, says police incident leader Morten Renland to news. A woman is said to have gone for a walk with a dog in an avalanche-prone area on Kvaløya outside Tromsø. The police launched a major search operation on Monday evening when the woman was reported missing by relatives at 6.30pm on Monday evening. A car discovery in a mountain area on Kvaløya just outside Tromsø, in the 20s, triggered a search operation. – The police, fire brigade, rescue helicopter from Tromsø and volunteer resources are on the scene, said operations manager Trine Pedersen in the Troms police district to news. The search operation was triggered at Finnvikdalen just outside Tromsø. Missing woman Norwegian People’s Aid confirmed to news at 9pm that they participated with large crews in the search operation. – We have provided a crew of 17-18 people, with snowmobiles and floodlights. The Red Cross will do the same, said Ole Morten Isaken emergency manager at Norwegian People’s Aid. Operations leader Morten Renland in the Troms police district tells Nordlys that they are looking for a woman who has been hiking in the hiking terrain up towards the Kjølen mountain range. Large search crews called Snowslide in the area The rescue center confirms to news that a rescue helicopter has contributed to the search operation in an early phase. The police confirm to the newspaper that there must have been several avalanches. The woman is said to have been on a walk with her dog in the area. The dog was found dead together with the woman.
