Major leak in Russian spacecraft – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Video from the International Space Station shows large amounts of liquid flowing out of the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft. The leak was discovered at 01:44 Norwegian time, and is ongoing on Thursday morning. The leak is in danger of contaminating parts of the International Space Station. The astronauts inside the space station have been ordered not to open the protection on the windows facing the connected craft. VABSKELIG: The American astronaut Frank Rubio will use the Soyuz MS-22 to return to Earth. If the vessel is now so damaged that it cannot have people on board, it is uncertain when Rubio will be able to return home. Photo: Bill Stafford – NASA – JSC / Bill Stafford – NASA – JSC Astronauts safe What is leaking is liquid ammonia. It is a liquid used in the cooling systems on the station and in the Soyuz spacecraft. Ammonia is highly corrosive. Nasa says that the leak has not put the crew on the space station at risk. There are seven people on board the station. There are three Russians, three Americans and one Japanese. What led to the leak is still unclear. Nasa states that together with space control in Moscow they are trying to find out what happened and what the next steps should be. Photo: Nasa At the same time as the spacewalk The leaks were discovered just minutes before two Russian cosmonauts were to carry out a spacewalk outside the station. This spacewalk is now postponed indefinitely. The two Russian cosmonauts were to change a radiator on the outside of the Russian part of the station. This radiator also uses ammonia. Is it a lifeboat? The leaking spacecraft is the lifeboat of the three astronauts Frank Rubio. It is also uncertain whether the Russians can use the spacecraft to send two Russian cosmonauts and one American astronaut back to Earth.
