Magnus Takvam begins in the Althing – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

It writes online newspapers even in a press release. – These are great signings! Bringing Magnus Takvam and Solveig Ruud with us when we are now building a completely new political media house in Norway is certainly the best start the Althing could get, says editor-in-chief Veslemøy Østrem. The Althing, which is already well established in Sweden and especially in Denmark, will establish itself in Norway in the autumn of 2022. Almost 40 years in news Takvam was called “the most important commentator of all time” when he had his last working day in news on Thursday. He has worked in the public service broadcaster since 1983, but had to quit when he turned 70. Magnus Takvam had to quit news when he turned 70. He started at news in 1983. Photo: Ole Kaland / Ole Kaland, news – The idea is to contribute with a weekly analysis that captures what is happening in politics. After being employed for 40 years at news, it will be nice to have a free role where I can set the terms for what I want to go into. The program looks both ambitious and exciting, says Magnus Takvam. Will work with health and social policy Solveig Ruud will leave Aftenposten in a few days. She has been one of the newspaper’s central political journalists for many years, especially in the health and social field. She has also been responsible for Aftenposten’s election machine since 2009. In the Althing, the plan is for her to write weekly analyzes and contribute news material in the health and social area. – This will be exciting, since it is something completely new. I look forward to being able to immerse myself even more and have the main focus on the issue, not personal strife. This is an exciting field. An ever-aging population and increasing expectations of what the welfare state should solve for both old and young will lead to difficult choices for politicians, says Ruud.
