Magical Easter weather in southern Norway, but it will soon turn around – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

High pressure over southern Norway ensures dream weather for most of the country on Easter Eve this year. But it’s important to enjoy the good weather while you can. A change in weather is expected and the Meteorological Institute has now sent out a warning about heavy snowfall in the mountains in southern Norway. The warning is at yellow level, and has been issued because strong wind and snow have been reported on Monday. Among other things, people are asked to allow plenty of time for transport, and to avoid unnecessary traffic in exposed places. Snow that builds up on the road can lead to difficult driving conditions, traffic jams and closed roads, the Meteorological Institute informs. Dream weather before it turns Until now, sun and cloudless skies are the most important keywords for the weather in southern Norway, says Martin Granerød. He is a meteorologist on duty at the Meteorological Institute. – Sun cream and sunglasses apply south of Stad and Dovre. The sun shines over the center of Tønsberg on Easter evening. Photo: Magnus Skatvedt Iversen / news In the outer areas of Agder there are somewhat more clouds, but there are also expected periods of sun on Easter evening, according to the meteorologist. – North of Stad and Dovre, the weather is more cloudy. We also see that there is some precipitation north of Trondheimsfjorden. Clouds and precipitation are on the way Beyond Easter Sunday, clouds from both east and west are expected to move in over southern Norway. At first, it is the sun that disappears, but eventually a good deal of precipitation is also expected. From Monday, cloudy weather and rain will affect the lowlands. In the mountains, the precipitation comes as sleet or snow, says Granerød. – The high pressure that has given us good weather in recent days is going to weaken. We get low pressure into the North Sea, which brings cloudy, mild and humid weather. Granerød believes that people in southern Norway have been lucky with the high pressure that has characterized Easter so far. Next week, finer weather is expected in the north of the country. High temperatures In the lowlands of southern Norway, it can be up to 12 to 13 degrees during Saturday. In higher areas, the temperatures will be somewhat lower, but little wind is expected, says Granerød. – In the mountains there is severe weather and calm wind conditions. There can probably be a fresh breeze in exposed places, but generally there is a calm wind and lots of sun. People who spend Easter in southern Norway can also look forward to tomorrow. At least parts of it. – The first part of the first Easter day looks very good, with temperatures up to 10 to 12 degrees in the lowlands and 6 to 8 degrees in the valley areas in the mountains, says the meteorologist.
