Mackerel sturgeon of over 300 kilos wreak havoc in the cage – news Vestland

An emergency incident occurred at Osland aquaculture in Høyanger when an unbound guest appeared in the salmon cage. The mackerel sturgeon weighed 330 kilograms and was 282 centimeters long. Daily manager at Osland Havbruk, Marte Hatlevik, says this is the first time this has happened in the company. – It was discovered at the start of feeding early today. An emergency response team was immediately seen, and a watch team and service boat were sent out, Hatlevik tells news. The fish has been sent to a fish reception in Bergen, and will be used for food. Photo: Osland Havbruk She says they are taking the incident seriously, and that they are working to avoid escape. The mackerel sturgeon was caught with an orkast net, and killed by a hunter. There is still work on site to prevent the escape of salmon, with several resources at work. Mackerel sturgeon Mackerel sturgeon, also called sturgeon and bluefin tuna, is a fish in the mackerel family. The very largest species of tuna and one of the largest bony fish on the planet. The largest fish can be more than 3 meters long and weigh well over 500 kg. After improvement in the stock development, Norway reopened fishing for mackerel sturgeon in 2014. Source: The Norwegian Marine Research Institute Hunters on the edge of the cage The Norwegian Fisheries Society has been in dialogue with the Directorate of Fisheries throughout the day, and has been working to identify and seal holes in the cage. – It is unusual for us that a hunter has to go out to the cage, says Hatlevik. The fish was killed by the hunter with a hunting rifle, with a special permit from the Directorate of Fisheries. The mackerel sturgeon is delivered to a fish reception in Bergen, and is used for food. One can wonder how many mouths a 330 kilo fish can feed. Swimming around the land Makrellstørje is a skilled swimmer, and can reach a speed of around 70 kilometers per hour, and is sometimes called the “Ferrari of the sea”. In addition to swimming fast, they can also swim far. Last year, news wrote about mackerel sturgeons swimming around the world.
