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National team manager Hege Riise and star players Caroline Graham Hansen and Ada Hegerberg met the press after the summer’s first training session with the national team at the Ullevaal stadium. Rumors have been rife recently that Hegerberg may become teammates with Graham Hansen at club level as well. The 27-year-old has played for Lyon since the summer of 2014, where she has claimed six Champions League titles and won the French league eight times. When asked about the rumors about Barcelona, ​​Hegerberg replies: – No comment, as they use to say. It seems you guys have more information about it than I do. But I have one year left on my contract, I take that with crushing calm. I have been in such situations before and am well used to it. So I feel that I am able to stay focused on what I have to do, which is to play a good WC for Norway. TEAMMATES: It is rumored that Norway’s big stars Ada Hegerberg and Caroline Graham Hansen may also become colleagues in Barcelona. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB Graham Hansen: – Yes, thank you – You have been in Lyon for a long time, do you see yourself staying there for the rest of your career? – It remains to be seen, it is very difficult to put into words now. As I said, I have one year left. It is clear that Lyon is in a bit of a change, we have a new owner, after a long period with the previous owner. I have had a good dialogue with the new owner, but at the same time Lyon has not contacted my agents yet. That is the status today, says a cryptic Hegerberg. – It is completely insignificant what I think about Barcelona right now, she states. – Ada is a very good player. Everyone knows she can score goals and I think she could contribute a lot to any team. The answer is always “yes, thank you” to people who can score a lot of goals, says Graham Hansen about the rumors surrounding Hegerberg. news’s ​​football expert Carl-Erik Torp believes Barcelona could be a good choice for the striker. – She can fit in well. Because the striker is not always that involved in the game otherwise in Barcelona. For Ada, it would have been a safe choice, where she will fit in well. It is a team that is favorable for Ada, Torp believes. GOOD MOOD: Ada Hegerberg had both her thighs and smile lines stretched on the first day of the training camp before this summer’s WC. Photo: NTB Focus on teamwork On Monday, the national team started their preparations for this summer’s football World Cup in Australia and New Zealand. The national team manager has a clear goal for the championship: – We have the goal of winning the pool, that is clear. The way forward is most likely Japan or Spain, which will be a nut we have to crack. But those are the teams we have played against the most, so we hope to get there. After a busy but successful end to the season for Lyon in France, Hegerberg says that she has had a break before the national team meeting. – I think it has been very positive, or we’ll see. But I think it has been very good that the girls have had a bit of a breather before we start again. – There is a bit of an electric atmosphere. Now they have had a holiday, and have come in with a good mood. They tripped and were super happy to see each other, says Riise about today’s session. JOY OF REUNION: Many were happy to see each other again at the Ullevaal stadium. Photo: NTB Riise also has the plan ready for how she will best utilize world stars Hegerberg and Graham Hansen. – Caroline is an edge that can go outside and inside and be a threat. Hegerberg’s qualities in front of goal speak for themselves. Collective Norway is completely dependent on the two, and more, to succeed. Wing role is what is planned for Caroline, our basic formation is a 4-3-3, so we have changes there that we can make. Caro can also play inside, but we don’t have the natural 10 player, explains Riise and emphasizes teamwork: – With two stars, they also depend on a team to make it happen and the team depends on them. So it’s connected. It’s about the good relationships and not working in isolation with just them. NATIONAL TEAM MANAGER: Hege Riise. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Hegerberg agrees: – If you have a strong collective in place, the individual will shine. – We will not have any bigger margins compared to the other teams. We must have as strong a collective as possible. A lot is required of each and every one of us. We still have a few weeks left to get things settled, says Hegerberg. – I think we are an underdog, adds Graham Hansen. Graham Hansen also wondered if she could get a ride home after the press conference. The WC starts on 20 July and lasts until 20 August. Norway is in group A with Switzerland, New Zealand and the Philippines
