Lykke Sofie Myrås in Lillehammer invited strangers to the May 17 breakfast – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The table is set and the decorations are hung up. The flag is on and the flag is raised. Lykke Sofie Myrås is ready to welcome foreign guests at the May 17 breakfast. She has often felt lonely on National Day. She is not alone in that. Now the 26-year-old is taking action, and is opening his home in Lillehammer to strangers. – A very bad feeling On days like National Day, it takes extra little before you feel alone, says Lykke Sofie. Social media abounds with pictures of people who have put on their finery and gather with good friends for a champagne breakfast. But for many, the reality is different. Many people are alone on 17 May, and see “everyone else” celebrating the day on social media. – It is a very bad feeling. You feel that everyone else has a large group of friends and people to celebrate with, and it’s really lonely, says Lykke Sofie. SET: The table is set and everything is ready before the ten strange guests arrive for breakfast at Lykke Sofie’s. Photo: Aleksandr Nedbaev / news In a survey carried out by Opinion on behalf of the Red Cross, one in four Norwegians state that they feel lonely. Almost half of those under 25 are lonely. According to the Red Cross, holidays and anniversaries are extra difficult for many. Lykke Sofie wanted to do something about that. Huge response Earlier this year, the 26-year-old posted a video on TikTok where she talked about loneliness. She says that the response was enormous, and that there were many people who recognized themselves in the message. – What happened again was that people dreaded 17 May. I’ve done that many times, so I wanted to do something about it. That’s when she got the idea to invite strangers to her home. INVITATION: Lucky Sofie Myrås invited strangers to a May 17 breakfast at her home on TikTok. Video: Lykke Sofie Myrås Never met the guests Lykke Sofie says that the response to the video was exclusively positive, and that many people wanted to come to breakfast at her place. Due to space limitations, she couldn’t invite everyone, but ten people immediately knock on the door. Lucky Sofie has never met any of them. – I’m a bit excited and nervous, and I’m looking forward to meeting everyone, she says. – What is it like to open your home to complete strangers? – I think that everyone is looking forward to being here, and wants to be here, so I think it will be very good. WELCOME: Lykke Sofie is ready to welcome the ten foreign guests. Photo: Aleksandr Nedbaev / news
