Lukasz was shot at on Karl Johan – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Lukasz and his wife were in Karl Johan on their way to the train station on Saturday evening when they allegedly got into an argument with a youth gang they did not know. – Five minutes later, several people arrive and start arguing, Warczak tells news about the reason for the shooting. He says that one of the young people came across his wife and that he pushed him away. He then says that another came from the opposite side, aimed a gun at the ground in front of him, and fired. – I am doing fine. Here, he says, pointing to his shoe. It was narrowly hit by a ricochet that didn’t go through. A little after 9pm this evening, the police received a report that several shots had been fired in the open street by the Arkaden shopping center in Karl Johans gate. – One or more perpetrators have run from the scene after firing several shots, says operations manager Gjermund Stokkli to news. The police are now hunting the perpetrators. Stokkli says it is too early to say anything about the reason for the shooting. – It may seem as if there has been an incident at the front here. We don’t see it as random, but we have to investigate further, he says. Operations leader at the scene, Anders Rønning, says that there must have been some “pushing and a bit of verbal bragging at the front”, and a “disagreement”. It is said to have been a group of four young people – around the age of 16 – who are said to have initially been pushing and verbally arguing with the victim. – Then the victim goes downstairs with his friends, and then this youth gang goes behind. Then comes the shooter from the opposite side, he says. He also states that the police have obtained a lot of video both before and after the incident, and are working widely in the city to locate the people involved. In addition to searching for the perpetrators, the police are also talking to a large number of witnesses. Photo: Kari Lie / news Shooting at Sinsen earlier Sunday Earlier this evening, shots were also fired at Sinsen in Oslo. Several shots were fired from a firearm in connection with a confrontation between two people near the Sinsen cultural center. The police are searching for both suspects and victims in connection with the Sinsen shooting, and cannot rule out that there is a connection between the two incidents tonight. – We clearly have to look at the two incidents and see if there is a connection, without having concluded that yet. We have to investigate it, says operations manager Stokkli. Operations leader Rønning says that there is no obvious connection between the two shootings as the case now stands. – But we keep that hypothesis open, he says. Photo: Kari Lie / news Many people present There were many people present when the shots were fired. According to the police, no one was injured as a result of the shots. In addition to searching for the perpetrators, the police are also speaking to a large number of witnesses. – There are many people at Karl Johan at this time, and we received many emergency calls after the incident. We are still very early in the investigation phase, says Stokkli. The police are working at the scene and have found empty shell casings on the ground after the shooting. Photo: NTB
