Love kicks in – drop-in weddings attract more couples – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: On Valentine’s Day, the Church of Norway holds drop-in weddings in several churches. They have invited couples to get married on the spot for several years, and last year at least 34 couples got married in The Norwegian Church on Valentine’s Day. 15 churches offer drop-in weddings this year. Church council leader Kristin Gunleiksrud Raaum emphasizes that a church wedding can be affordable and simple, and that several years of planning are not needed first. In order to be able to marry on the spot, the couples must have a test certificate. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – Many people think that a church wedding entails several years of planning, two or three dresses and a hundred guests. But a church wedding can be affordable and simple, and at the same time just as solemn, beautiful and romantic. Church council leader Kristin Gunleiksrud Raaum says so. On Valentine’s Day, Wednesday 14 February, the Church of Norway holds drop-in weddings in several churches. They have been inviting couples to get married on the spot for several years, and last year at least 34 couples got married on Valentine’s Day. ❤️ This year there are even more opportunities. More churches will join ⛪️ A total of 14 churches will join in on Valentine’s Day itself until Wednesday. Perhaps there will be even more couples walking down the church floor as well. – Many places have reported that around 6-7 couples are interested. So there is reason to believe that we are at the same level or above last year, says church council leader Kristin Gunleiksrud Raaum. 🤵🏾👰 🤵🤵🏽 👰👰🏻 This year you can get married at drop-in in these churches, among others: Askim, Egersund, Flosta, Flå, Nedstryn, Nøtterøy, Oddernes, Ski, Ulsteinvik, Vågå, Øyer, Ål and Årnes . Church council leader Kristin Gunleiksrud Raaum says that church weddings do not need to be expensive and time-consuming. The drop-in offer makes it significantly cheaper, and with a much smaller climate impact. Photo: CF-WESENBERG The Church of Norway does not have statistics on how many of the couples from last year are still married. But there are many indications that more people will celebrate paper weddings on 14 February, says Raaum. – We have spoken to several happy couples who are happy to be able to celebrate their one-year wedding anniversary. So there is great reason to believe that it applies to more people. Could you have gotten married on the spot? Have priests on standby 💍 In Oddernes church in Kristiansand they are offering weddings on the spot for the first time. – It is the day to celebrate love. So what’s better than celebrating getting married? ❤️ That’s what parish priest in Oddernes church, Erik Wessman, asks. – I don’t think it will be the last time we offer this. Most of the organizing churches want the couples to get in touch in advance to clarify the time and any wishes for speech, singing and music. – We have already booked three weddings and we have priests on standby. So it is still possible to come on the day, but it is wise to let us know in advance, says the priest. Said yes on Valentine’s Day 🌹 Silje Schyttelvik Pedersen (25) and Haakon Høiberg (30) were one of the couples who got married on Valentine’s Day last year. In Vågå church in Innlandet, six other couples got married on the same day. Silje thought the offer was spot on for them. She loves Valentine’s Day and therefore felt they just had to strike. – A nicer day to get married is probably hard to find. It was exciting and unique, says the 25-year-old. She says that they were very happy with how the day turned out, even though it was a relatively quick ceremony. – It was absolutely perfect for us! Last year, Haakon and Silje got married in Vågå church, with their children Sophie and Lucas there. Photo: Geir Olav Slåen / news Important to remember 📝 Wessman hopes people will take advantage of the opportunity on Valentine’s Day. – We have made it available to people who may not want a very big party, but who want to mark their cohabitation by getting married in the church, says the priest. And if you want to get married in the church’s answer to “Vegas weddings”, it is particularly important to remember one thing. – You must have a test certificate. We need that so that we can legally marry people, says Wessman. Half of all applications are processed automatically and you get an answer immediately. – As long as you have the test certificate with you, you will be married during the day, promises Wessman. 🥰
