Lost their son Peder Angel Lundquist Langen, the parents in Røros want to fight against bullying – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– We all have to see around us that there is a lot of bullying among children and young people today. We want to take part in a fight against it. That’s what Anna Lundquist Langen says. She and her husband John Arne Langen have welcomed us at home in Glåmos in Røros. In February this year, they lost their eldest son Peder Angel to suicide. With their openness, they have started a green movement against bullying. Thousands of green hearts are still posted on social media. The parents are open about the fact that their son Peder Angel took his own life. They hope that through their story they will get more people to take up the fight against bullying. Years of bullying ––: I can see why you’re still alive. You make a fool of yourself all the time and you’re completely idiotically ugly, so lady you can completely forget to get. Know that no one at ukm itje will have dough there. To be completely exact. No one wants dough. Do yourself a favor and hang yourself, shoot yourself, I understand why you still believe in your life, you ugly hell-toed youngster:) greetings. (name) This is just one example of messages Peder Angel has received in recent years. The parents have seen several ugly messages after they lost their son. He shared some of this with close friends, who then presented it to his parents after his death. What happens to a young person who often experiences harassment and harassment? What happens when you keep getting messages on your mobile, that you are ugly and you are asked to shoot or hang yourself? – There is a lot of shame associated with bullying, so that may be the reason why he hasn’t said much about it to us, says dad John Arne. Because they thought the years of bullying were over. According to his parents, Peder Angel became a victim of bullying already when he started first grade. Peder Angel Lundquist Langen dreamed of a career on the big musical stages in London. Photo: Privat The family eventually moved to Røros, but from fifth grade the bullying only got worse. An episode from that time he never forgot. Peder Angel was put on the ground by five boys, threatened with a knife to the throat and his mouth stuffed full of food. – It turned out to be a fruit knife, but for him this was a traumatic experience that he never quite got over, says John Arne Langen. According to the parents, it was worst in 2019, when Peder Angel reached the semi-finals of Norske Talenter. They say that he has never been so bothered by others as he was just then. Peder Angel Lundquist Langen performed his version of Sondre Justad’s “Riv i härtet” in the semi-final of Norske Talenter on TV 2 in 2019. Video: Fremantle/TV2 Great talent Peder Angel had autism and several other diagnoses. He was different, and stood out a little from the others. – He was himself, and wanted to be. He wore clothes he found at a flea market. I think he also got a little pepper because he was good at things, says mum Anna. – Music was his life, quite simply. That was where he was most comfortable, on stage. Music was gold. Peder Angel had a rare talent, and has impressed greatly in the musical play Elden in Røros. On stage he always flourished. His dream was a career on the musical stage in London. Marthe Vannebo/Elden Many reviewed Peder Angel moved to a dormitory in Tynset to go the music department at Nord-Østerdal upper secondary school. After two years, the journey continued to a community college. He had put a fantastic year behind him there, when he returned to Tynset last year to finish upper secondary school. – After he came back, he didn’t say much to us. He was over 18, and probably wanted to spare us. He enjoyed himself well in his new class at Nord-Østerdal upper secondary school, but before the actual Russian celebration got under way this winter, Peder Angel chose to take his own life. The parents knew that he was upset about videos that were spread on social media from a Russian party a few days before. Later, the parents were able to see both videos, new and old messages sent to Peder Angel. – Bullying takes place in all schools and in adult life, so there is something attitudinally wrong in our society, says John Arne Langen. The parents hope that with their openness, they will make more people understand how serious bullying can be. – We must get a reaction. We have to clean up things that are not right, says Anna Lundquist Langen. The parents reported 12 named persons and the school in mid-March. – We must end the fight Peder Angel has been in, and show that bullying others can have consequences. You can get it on your record, says Father John Arne Langen. – Do you hope so? – We actually do that. Anonymous: Are you going to be flushed in the ass? Anonymous: Yes, you should have it in the ass Anonymous: Peder Peder Angel is said to have been very upset by the dialogue on social media with other students, during an event shortly before he took his own life. None of the people who have been reported in the case currently have the status of a suspect, investigation manager Anna Brunstad at the Innlandet police district told news. – Undoubtedly criminal The family receives help from solicitor Roy André Håkonsen Arteid in the law firm Røseid & co. He believes that clear offenses have been committed against Peder Angel. Assistance lawyer Roy André Håkonsen Arteid believes that clear offenses have been committed against Peder Angel. Photo: Morten Andersen / news – These are absolutely horrific actions he has been exposed to for a long period of time. The messages and the behavior he is exposed to are undoubtedly punishable, says Arteid. The lawyer elaborates: – It can be punishable as intimidating and troublesome behaviour, according to section 266 of the Criminal Code. Unfortunately, we do not have a separate bullying provision in the Criminal Code, which it is high time we introduced. Following pressure from the family, responsibility for the investigation in the case has been moved from Tynset to Elverum. Anna Brunstad is the prosecuting officer in the Innlandet police district, at the police chamber in Elverum. Photo: Knut Røsrud / news – We are trying to find out what happened before the death, who did what and whether criminal acts were committed. That’s what prosecutor Anna Brunstad says at the police. So far, the police have interviewed a few witnesses. They have secured Peder Angel’s mobile phone, which they believe may contain key evidence in the case. – We are working on going through the mobile phone and other digital devices of the deceased, and it is extensive work. The state administrator in Innlandet has notified inspections at Nord-Østerdal upper secondary school in Tynset, the school where Peder Angel was a student. Photo: Grete Thobroe / news Notice of supervision at the school The parents believe that Peder Angel did not receive the follow-up he is entitled to as a student at Nord-Østerdal upper secondary school. The state administrator in Innlandet has notified an inspection at the school, which the parents have requested via their lawyer. – We are going to go into action thoroughly, and will look at the system around how Innlandet County Council safeguards the right to a safe and good school environment. That’s what director of education Aasa Gjestvang at the State Administrator of the Interior says. – Based on what I have read in the specific case at Tynset, it shows how serious this actually is. The annual student surveys that are carried out show that more and more people are experiencing bullying at school in this country. Nord-Østerdal upper secondary school in Tynset is no exception, and works with measures in addition to preventive work. The loss of a dear student has affected the school. The headmaster has given written comments by e-mail to news. Principal Anne Buttingsrud writes that the main focus of the school is to work preventively, and to create a safe and good school environment for all students. Incidents in the school environment are investigated in accordance with the Education Act. – We are very concerned that all students are looked after and experience a safe and good everyday school life, she writes. The fact that the state manager has started an inspection did not come as a surprise to communications manager Halvor Løkken in Innlandet County Municipality: – It is always useful to have a look at the maps, to get feedback on whether our routines are good enough. An inspection helps to make us better, says Løkken to news. In addition to this, the county council and the headmaster do not wish to comment on the parents’ claim that Peder Angel did not receive the follow-up he was entitled to under the Education Act. Many honored Peder Angel Lundquist Langen’s memory with lights and green hearts. Green was his favorite color. Photo: Guril Bergersen / Arbeidets Rett Massive support Many admire the openness that Peder Angel’s parents have shown in this case. – We have received massive support from the entire region. Only on the evening when we drove the cortege with Peder Angel’s coffin from Tynset on Glåmos to the chapel on Røros, many people stood along the road with lights, torches and green hearts. Green was Peder Angel’s favorite colour, and the parents are proud that so many are still spreading green hearts in the fight against bullying. A fund has been established in his memory. The aim is to give support to someone who wants to go the way Peder Angel wanted to go, but which he was unable to complete. There can also be low-threshold support, for children who, for example, need the help of an assistant to join the cultural school. – Elden was one of his great free arenas where he could be himself, and it has already been decided that distribution from the fund will take place at the last performance each year. Many have donated money to the fund, which is now around NOK 650,000. – We won’t get Peder Angel back anyway. If we can help bring about a change, it is worth standing in everything we stand in now. Peder Angel Lundquist Langen was buried in Røros church on 1 March. It was vicar Harald Hauge who led the ceremony. Peder Angel’s mother, Anna Lundquist Langen, sang at the funeral. The hat that Peder Angel used during the fire lay on the coffin during the funeral. Need someone to talk to? If you need to talk to someone, there are several helplines, chat services and support groups where you can share your thoughts and feelings completely anonymously, and get support, advice and guidance: Mental health on the helpline 116 123 Mental health also has a chat, which you can find at mentalhelse.no. Church SOS chat service: soschat.no Young Conversation: [email protected] Church SOS also has a helpline on 22 40 00 40 Cross on the neck from the Red Cross: 800 33 321 (for children and young people up to the age of 18.) Cross on the neck also has chat: korspåhalsen.no (for children and young people up to the age of 18.) The emergency telephone for children and young people: 116 111 Sami national competence service – mental health care and substance abuse 78 96 74 00 SnakkOmPsyken.no: Chat service run by Blå Kors Livslosen is a non-clinical low-threshold service where you can come and stay for 5 days: 45 84 54 63 In urgent cases, call 113 You can find more helplines here Published 22.06.2024, at 20.09
