Lost potency and kept dying – Olympics Paris 2024

– Has this actually happened to me?! That’s what Victor Johansson asks, the Swedish swimmer who is one of their big medal hopes during the Olympics in Paris. In recent years, he has broken Swedish records and gained momentum in his career. It has not always looked like this. SWEDISH FAVORITE: Victor Johansson smiles for the camera. Photo: BILDBYRÅN No erection In 2019, Victor Johansson lived in Los Angeles, and says he lived “a nice life”. As a swimmer, he measured everything he ate, his training was carefully monitored. But the training fluctuated a lot, and Johansson struggled to find out what was wrong. Something was not right. Then came the intimate question from a doctor. – He asked me: How is the sex life? And he asked how long it had been since I had an erection. And I couldn’t answer the question, it must have been three months ago, Johansson told Sveriges Radio. He had a seriously low level of testosterone in his body. – It was at a catastrophically low level, Johansson said. But Johansson’s problem had only just begun. – It has been very tough. When you look at it from the outside, it’s a lot. Very bad, a lot of illness and injuries, says Johansson to news in Paris. THE START OF THE DOWN TRIP: Johansson is pictured here in 2019. Photo: BILDBYRÅN Near death Half a year later, he ended up on a ventilator after a bacterial infection in his throat. He had not eaten or drunk for two days, had a fever of over 41 and was admitted to hospital. The medicine he was given was so thick that it stuck to his throat. – The diagnosis I had is life-threatening, he is deadly, says Johansson to Sveriges Radio. He became anxious that it would happen again, and was most inclined to give up. Swimming is not so fun; he does not sacrifice his life for sport. He was persuaded by Niko Martikainen, the new coach of the Swedes. He gave him security, and then the results came. Seven months after having a doctor put him on a ventilator, he swam at the Tokyo Olympics. Unbelievable streak of bad luck Just after the Olympics, the short track World Cup was on the programme. He never got there. 2021: Missed the short track WC due to a broken finger. 2022: Had to watch the World Cup from a hotel bed, when he was sick with corona. 2023: Broken rib after a golf cart accident and the World Cup lost. As a young athlete, he had eating disorders. After the testosterone problem, Johansson got the crown, as the first Swedish swimmer. He also suffered a cold on the head after hitting his head on the bottom. – I don’t feel sorry for myself. If I were to try to make a recently ill cancer patient feel sorry for me, I would not have succeeded. My life is pretty good. It is important to realize that life is about seeing things in perspective, says Johansson to news. Despite everything, the pointer is now pointing upwards: – In the previous four-five-six years, there have been broken ribs, a respirator, a broken finger, hit the head and contracted covid six times. So it has been quite a lot, but the last year has been completely problem-free, says the Swedish swimmer to news. IN WATER: Victor Johansson during the WC in 2024. Photo: BILDBYRÅN Published 30/07/2024, at 12.49 Updated 30.07.2024, at 13.39
