Looks like there will be a wedding boom after two pandemic years – news Vestland

Irene Flølo and Jan Robin Aaland have postponed their wedding twice. This winter they hoped that all good things would be three. And that was it. Former teachers this summer finally got to say yes to each other. – It was a big day. It was very nice to finally be able to implement what we have been thinking about for a long time, says Flølo. They are by no means alone in having a wedding date in 2022. The restrictions the pandemic brought with it meant that many chose to postpone their weddings. It seems that Flølo and Aaland have to share their wedding year with quite a few. Photo: Fotograf MA Because there are different ways to get married, it is difficult to know for sure how many people have gotten married by now. But everyone who is going to get married must apply for a probation certificate. It can therefore give a good indication. So far this year, 30 percent more have received probation certificates from the Tax Administration, compared with the same period in 2019. – But we can not say for sure that all of them have completed and actually married, says Ernst Larsen, communications consultant at the Tax Administration. Busy summer At the Human-Ethical Association, 916 couples have ordered weddings so far this year. In 2019, the number was 599. Hege Winje, assistant general secretary of the association, said that some of these weddings are corona-exposed, but that they also have the impression that there is an increase in the number of people who want a humane wedding. The Norwegian Church does not have an overview of how many people have married yet, but several parishes have reported many weddings. Geir Paulsen, dean in Sogn, has a busy summer. – The general impression is that there are unusually many in my area. He also points out that there have already been a number of registrations for 2023. And some of them are postponed weddings. Geir Paulsen is a deacon in Sogn. Photo: Sondre Dalaker / news – There is a part that did not dare to invest in this year. Although he thinks the corona pandemic is largely to blame for the busy summer, he thinks the amount of weddings may have several reasons. – I have a feeling that it has come a little in the shot to get married, but I have not researched it exactly, he says. – Do not remember the rules When many people are getting married, it can be a bit of work to move a wedding. – There are many agreements that must be in place, so rolling on the agreements was not easy, says Flølo. When they finally found a weekend that fit, the photographer could not. – That weekend it was six degrees, rain and sleet. We had to move it for a week, and then it was a full flap, says Aaland. After all the agreements had been moved, Flølo and Aaland had nice weather on the wedding day. Photo: Photographer MA For Svanhild Gjeraker and Egil Timberlid in Bergen, it went well to move all the agreements. They were supposed to get married in the summer of 2021. – I no longer remember what the rules were exactly when we were getting married, but it was that and up with the number of meters, so we decided that it was best to wait. In order for all the 90 guests to have a coma, both from home and abroad, the date was 14 May 2022. Then there was a wedding on a steamship outside Bergen. For Egil Timberlid and Svanhild Gjeraker, it went well to move the agreements. They are very happy that they chose to postpone. Photo: Kenneth Gjertsen – I think people were ready for a party. I felt people were eager to gather and celebrate, says Gjeraker, who is very happy they chose to postpone. Are you going or are you going to our wedding in 2022? An “impossible” wedding Today, Fredrik Hope and Geir Egil Eiksund will carry out a wedding that would have been very difficult to achieve in 2020 or 2021. More than 150 guests will gather in Hyen in Western Norway. On Friday, barbecues, dance classes and a football match were arranged. Tonight there will be a fiddle team, and Hope promises that there will be a party. – It is nice that it is not the corona that limits how many guests we can have, but how many we have room for. He points out that there is a lot they need to think about because the pandemic is over. – But take care and have bought hand alcohol. On Saturday, Hope and Eiksund will get married in their bunads: nordfjord bunad and ørstabunad. Photo: Lars Nordvi Sæthre
