Looking for missing man in Rennebu – wants to imprison accused man – news Trøndelag

In a press release on Wednesday morning, the police write that they have changed the charges against the man who has been arrested in connection with the missing man in his mid-40s in Rennebu. On Tuesday afternoon, the police said that they had charged a person with bodily harm in connection with the disappearance, but now this charge is still for grievous bodily harm resulting in death. – Information in the investigation means that we believe there is reason to expand the charge, says prosecuting police attorney Bente Bøklepp. At the same time, the police report that the missing man has still not been found. Even though the charges have been extended, the police are still investigating the case based on several possible explanations for what happened. The accused man was produced for remand at 1pm today. There, the prosecutor demanded that the press should have a duty of confidentiality for up to four weeks about what came out during the prison meeting. She was upheld by the district court on this. news and Adresseavisen could not accept this and therefore left the prison meeting. Major search operation Both the police, the Civil Defense, the Red Cross and Norwegian People’s Aid are in place in the area being searched just south of Ulsberg in Rennebu municipality. In addition, a dog patrol from the police has also arrived at the search area on Wednesday morning. About 30 people are now participating in the search for the missing man. – I would describe the area as a demanding area to search in. There is dense vegetation and a number of differences in height. But we have driven and experienced people who help us, says incident leader Ketil Stene in the police. The 46-year-old man was reported missing to his family on Saturday. Then they had not made contact with him for several days. The police have cordoned off an area close to where the search teams are staying. – It is because we use this as a starting point for the search based on the investigation, says Stene. SEARCH ACTION: Operations leader in the police, Ketil Stene, coordinates the search teams who are looking for the man they believe has died in the area south of Ulsberg in Rennebu municipality. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news Argued with the missing person According to the police, the accused man should have argued with the missing person before he disappeared. The argument between the two is said to have taken place near where the missing persons lived. In questioning, the accused man has denied having done anything criminal. He still denies criminal guilt now that the charge has been expanded, the man’s defender, Kjell Myrland, told news. Police prosecutor Bente Bøklepp wants to imprison the accused man on Wednesday. Photo: Grete Thobroe / news Information from the police The police do not want to say anything about what relationship the accused person has to the missing person, but the accused is said to be a man in his 40s. He is referred to as an acquaintance of the missing person. Both the missing and the wanted belong to a criminal environment and are already known to the police. The police emphasize that the case is still being widely investigated, based on several possible explanations. – We have several hypotheses as to why he doesn’t make a sound, but we get worried when so much time has passed without anyone hearing from him, says police attorney Bøklepp. SEARCH ACTION: The Civil Defense has set up two tents where the crews are coordinating the search on Wednesday morning. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news
