Long waiting time for insurance help after torrential rain and extreme weather Hans – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– It smells like mold. So I’m a little worried about how it will turn out. Fans and dehumidifiers have been running at Vera Vairinhos in Indre Østfold since the night of Sunday 27 August. That weekend, such large amounts of rain fell over Eastern Norway that 14 new rainfall records were set. The cellar of Vera Vairinhos was filled with water after the torrential rain. Photo: Vera Vairinhos The water entered the furnished cellar of Vairinhos in Trøgstad. She is a student and has used the basement room for reading. But almost two weeks later, it still hasn’t been fixed. – It has been very challenging now. I have no place to sit in peace, she says. Three or four times the volume of assignments Vairinhos is among the many thousands who have registered insurance claims after floods and floods this summer. Torrential rain and extreme weather have led to enormous water damage. – I reported the damage that same night, and the insurance company contacted me immediately the next day, she says. But it can be a long wait for many. For the companies that repair such damage, the demand is high. – In Eastern Norway, the volume of assignments in the last month has probably been three or four times as large as it usually is, says Pål Nygård. He is director of Frøiland byg og skade, one of the large companies that fix water damage. – In Eastern Norway, the volume of orders has probably been three or four times as large as it usually is in the last month, says Pål Nygård, director of Frøiland construction and damage. Photo: Frøiland construction and damage They have brought in employees from all over the country, and even from Sweden, to take care of flood damage in Eastern Norway. Nevertheless, the director warns that the waiting time may be long. – It is not a situation that only applies when it happens or in the next few days and weeks afterwards. It can actually lead to delays in refunds of several months. Must expect a waiting time The application is confirmed by the insurance industry. Bjarne Aani Rysstad, communications manager for non-life insurance at Gjensidige, says they have received 1100-1200 damage reports just after the torrential rain in Eastern Norway. – We try to make these delays as short as possible, but with the pressure that is on all types of suppliers now, you unfortunately have to expect some waiting time, he says. The torrential rain in Eastern Norway caused major damage, both to homes and infrastructure. Here FV123 has crashed on Homstvedtsletta in Indre Østfold. Photo: Freddie Larsen Mold and fungus can appear as early as 24–48 hours after flooding in houses and homes. The communications manager says that a long wait before work starts is not ideal. – But the capacity is as it is, and we are doing everything we can. Unfortunately, there may be individual cases where it takes a little too long. But we will try to avoid that. Fixing a basement after extensive flood damage will also take a long time after help is in place. – First it must dry for 5–6 weeks, then materials must be torn out before it is rebuilt, says Rysstad. Recommends own efforts Frøiland building and damage tries to prioritize those who need immediate help, but not everyone can get help as quickly as they should. That is why it is important that the individual policyholder makes an effort on their own if they have to wait for professional help, says director Pål Nygård. – Conditions such as electricity and pipes should be left alone if you are not skilled, but tidying up and ensuring natural drying of moisture can help. That is exactly what Vera Vairinhos in Indre Østfold has done, in an attempt to prevent excessive damage to the cellar room in Trøgstad. – Since Sunday 27 August, the dehumidifier has been on constantly. But we have not received any further information and do not know how long we have to wait. I see a bit of mold starting to appear, and it feels very unsafe to live here after the water damage, says Vairinhos.
