Long-term sickness absence increased during the corona pandemic – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– This is a little surprising, since we expected that the short absence would increase the most during the pandemic. Jon Petter Nossen in the knowledge department at Nav. Photo: Nav This is what Jon Petter Nossen says in Nav’s knowledge department. After a long period of decline in sickness absence in this country, it increased markedly during the corona pandemic. This is shown by figures from Nav. A new analysis has looked at the development in doctor-notified sickness absence over the past 20 years. Long-term absences of between nine days and 39 weeks increased by 19 per cent from 2019 to 2021. Short-term absences of up to eight days, on the other hand, had a decrease of 14.3 per cent. And absences of two to three days had a drop of a whopping 25.8 per cent. Nossen believes the explanation is complex. – The extensive use of home offices may have reduced the need for some short sick leave, he says. Many had a home office for long or shorter periods after 12 March 2020. On the screen you see Hans Torvald Haugo, secretary general of the Norwegian Opticians Association, from an news interview during the pandemic. Photo: Mette Stensholt Schau / news Pointing to “long covid” When it comes to long sick leave, it may be due to “long covid”, i.e. long-term effects of corona infection. Long covid What are the late effects of covid-19? For most people, covid-19 is a mild and transitory illness, but some suffer persistent problems beyond the acute phase. Such long-lasting symptoms have previously been reported after a number of other infections, and it is therefore not surprising that some people experience late effects after covid-19. Common symptoms Among people with covid-19 who were not admitted to hospital, the most commonly reported symptoms 6-12 months after the illness are: Impaired memory Altered sense of taste and/or smell Fatigue/tiredness Impaired ability to think and concentrate (so-called ” brain fog”) Heavy breathing Source: FHI – It is likely that there is a contributing factor to the increase, says Nossen. Signe Flottorp is head of research at the Institute of Public Health. She says it is not unreasonable to think that longcovid is part of the explanation for the increase in long-term absences during the pandemic. She points out that both Norwegian and international surveys show that there are some who are affected by the late effects of covid-19. – We know, both from Norwegian and international surveys, that there are some who are affected by the late effects of covid-19. Those who are at work may be so bothered that some of them are on sick leave. For some of them, it takes time before they return, says Flottorp. Respiratory disorders The high level of sickness absence has had the greatest consequences within health and care services. Many municipalities have experienced that it goes beyond the offer. But sickness absence has also been high among teachers and nursery staff, and has led to many schools being at the breaking point of what they can handle. If you look at what you register sick for, there is the biggest increase in sickness absence of up to 39 weeks for respiratory disorders. This type of absence increased by 74 per cent. For the group of unspecified diagnoses and mental disorders, the increase was 27 and 24 per cent. – This is important knowledge. We know that long sickness absences increase the risk of transition to AAP and disability benefits. The longer you are away from work, the greater the chance of disappearing completely, says Labor and Inclusion Minister Marte Mjøs Persen (Ap). Minister for Employment and Inclusion Marte Mjøs Persen (Ap). Photo: Christine Fagerbakke / Christine Fagerbakke She points to the fact that the government and the parties in working life extended and strengthened the IA agreement two weeks ago and through that have committed to strengthening efforts to reduce sickness absence. – This is important work that I will follow in the future. Has been extended due to fear of infection Nav believes that other factors also play a role in the long sick leave notices. – It may be that people with another type of respiratory disorder have had their sick leave extended due to the pandemic, says Nossen. Long queues of people who wanted to take the corona vaccine. Nevertheless, many got covid-19. Photo: Odd Rune Kyllingstad Covid together with other health problems can also play a role, he believes. – These may have refused to be declared healthy in a situation with both the risk of infection and the risk of being laid off, he says. Previous figures have shown that there is a connection between the length of the absence and rising unemployment. – The sharp increase in unemployment, especially in spring 2020, may have had a similar effect. The difference between women and men continues to increase The difference between men’s and women’s sickness absence has continued to increase during the pandemic. In 2021, sickness absence reported by a doctor was 80 per cent higher for women than for men. In 2001, the differences were 53 per cent. There are also more women than men who are on long-term sick leave.
