Long queues when Trollstigen opens – Ewen will probably be accompanied by one million tourists this summer

If you are one of those who have planned a Norwegian holiday this summer, you have definitely come across the idea of ​​driving Trollstigen. Here you can zigzag from sea level and up to an altitude of over 1000 meters, and bet that the brakes will work when you go down again. Starting this afternoon, the idea of ​​a visit can become a reality. After being closed for the winter, the plowing crew was finally finished. In good time before 1 pm, there were long queues at the barrier that opened. First in line was a French travel party. – We heard from another French couple that the road was going to open today, so we just got up, says Lucie Voisinne. Together with her friend Ewen Lecomte, she has traveled around Europe in a van for five months, and is over-enthusiastic about nature in Norway. – Norway is fantastic. Of all the countries we have visited in Europe, this is the country with the most waterfalls and mountain landscapes, the two say. There were long queues when the barrier to Trollstigen was opened on Thursday at 13. Photo: Ty Myrene / news Unusually late opening Already from mid-May, thousands of tourists from home and abroad use to enter Trollstigen on the GPS. But large amounts of snow, avalanches and landslides have created major challenges for the opening of Trollstigen this year. In May, there was a report of an avalanche that had destroyed both the road and a cafe building. In the middle of the clean-up there was a large rock slide. Only today was everything clear. – We see there is interest, I have never seen it like that, there are a lot of foreigners, says Roar Vikhagen, who is the construction owner in Fylkesveg. It is always exciting to follow when the sign with “closed road” can be removed. Photo: Berge Myrene / news Many with skis in the car There was a long, long line of motorcycles and motorhome tourists standing ready when the barrier opened this afternoon. But also local skiers stood in line. There is often a competition to be first up on the mountain tops in the area. Only when the road opens is it advisable to get there. – I reckon that many people have skis in the car today, says Vikhagen. The Trollstigen road connection is almost 100 years old and is part of 18 unique road sections in Norway, the National Tourist Roads. Trollstigen is a lovely photo motif. Photo: Øyvind Sandnes / news Aerial photo
