Long queues after E16 closure due to landslide – Road Administration asks people to wait before driving – news Vestland

E16 has been closed between Dale and Voss since this morning. The road is prone to landslides and accidents, and is the main road between Oslo and Bergen. The closure has created queues, especially after the Pentecost exodus from Bergen started in the afternoon. Among other things, things are slow at Trengereid. Europaveien is closed due to a rock slide. The Swedish Road Administration will make a new assessment as to whether the road can be opened at 4pm. – We have a team that will go up the mountainside and take down some mass before we can assess whether the road can be opened, says traffic operator Marianne Hove in the Vegtrafikksentralen. The road is also closed at Vaksdal, further west. There, a lorry has had a traffic accident, and a lorry trailer is in the way. It will take several hours to clean up after the accident, reports Vegtrafikksentralen at 15:05. TRENGEREID: Traffic is slow at the roundabout at Trengereid in Bergen. Photo: Norwegian Road Administration Detour is about county road 49 via Norheimsund and national road 13 from Granvin to Voss. – Here is the traffic. Would recommend people who can wait to drive this stretch to wait, writes Vegtrafikksentralen on Twitter. On the national highway 13 bypass, the Joberg Tunnel was closed for a short time due to a traffic jam. The road traffic center hopes the road can open soon. Especially eastwards from Bergen, many motorists are expected in connection with the Whitsunday weekend. – We are a bit anxious about whether the road will be opened this afternoon, and what the traffic will be like if it is not opened. There will then be extra strain on the county road around the Hardangerfjord if not, and a longer journey for road users. We are crossing our fingers that the road will be opened, but it creates a number of challenges with the E16 being closed, says Hove.
