Logs out of sports club in Larvik after internal dispute over man convicted of assault – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– It is in frustration. A terribly sad case for everyone who is happy with Fram, says Høglund. His decision has been taken after it became known last week that several prominent Fram people have signed a written initiative to lift the club’s ban on a man convicted of assault. It was Østlandsposten (ØP) that mentioned the case first. Avisa has covered the matter through several articles. Now Høglund has had enough. In a post on Facebook, the sports commentator takes issue with the club he has been a member of throughout his adult life. Banned from the club The reason for the disagreements is a man convicted of assault who has been banned from the club. The man has been convicted of assaulting minors, but has completed his sentence. news has read the verdicts against the man. The assaults took place in 2011. Some believe the man should be given a second chance as a volunteer in the club. In a request to the club in 2022, which is reproduced in the EP, the initiators ask that the decision on exclusion be revoked at best, as they believe that two years must be considered sufficient. Alternatively, that the person in question should be able to stay in the Fram park until 4 p.m., and that he would then be able to be supervised by employees at the club. 19 people signed the letter, including Rune Holst Bloch, general manager of Fram. Several have subsequently stated that they regret it. The letter ended up on the board’s table. They have been clear that this is something they strongly distance themselves from, and will not comply. In an open letter to the members of Fram, they wrote, among other things, the following on Saturday 11 March: news has been in contact with the member who in 2022 took the initiative to let the man previously convicted of assault get a second chance. He does not want to comment on the case as it stands now, but writes in an SMS that the case has been demanding. Clean-up required Høglund believes that some key people in the main association in Fram have put the club in a difficult situation. – The club should feel like a safe place for children and young people. A place where parents can be confident that their children will be looked after. I know that there are a number of parents who at the moment do not feel that is the case. The sports commentator thinks that the key people who have been involved in the writing should put the club before themselves. – It is a question they should ask themselves, whether those who have managed to put this in place should continue to be in central positions in the club. Høglund will not be part of the club until a clean-up has taken place. He wonders if Fram can have a general manager who has signed such a letter. – The general manager must understand that bringing in a person who has been convicted of sexual abuse of children is not compatible with a sports association. However, Høglund is clear that not everyone who has signed should withdraw. He believes that more people have not understood the seriousness of what they have signed. Thought the matter had been settled The General Manager of Fram, Rune Holst Bloch, tells news that it was never intended that the person in question should have any position, role or membership in the club. – There has been a question as to whether it was possible to have a limited day service in a workplace among adults. The daily manager says that the man had an affiliation with Fram before he was banned. Bloch believes it was only intended as an application or a question to the board. – It has not been intended to provoke anyone or create any scandals. According to Bloch, he and the others involved considered the matter settled when the executive board decided to say no to welcoming the man back on 14 December last year. – It has not been a battle for us. We have full respect for the decision made by the executive board. Theme in board meeting On Wednesday, the club will hold a board meeting, where recent challenges are among the topics that will be dealt with. news has tried to get a comment from chairman Rolf Nilsen. He replies as follows to SMS: – This is one of many matters to be dealt with at the board meeting. Don’t want to make any comments beyond that. Require a clean record The Norwegian Sports Confederation is clear that people who work with children and young people must have a clean record. – The sports team has no opportunity to decide it themselves. It’s not legal, says Håvard Øvregård, senior adviser at the Norwegian Sports Confederation. Håvard Øvregård, senior adviser at the Norwegian Sports Confederation. Photo: Anders Fehn / news When it comes to roles other than responsibility for minors, the sports team itself must make an assessment of any risk situation, he explains. The sports team is free to welcome people who have been denied the right to be a member back into the club. – This is an assessment the executive board of the sports team makes, if there is a need for it. The Norwegian Sports Confederation does not have an overview of how many people are denied the right to membership in sports clubs. The association experiences a lower threshold for reporting undesirable behavior in sport. After 2018, they have centrally received from two to ten inquiries a month about breaches of guidelines against sexual harassment and abuse.
