Local Ap-top in Vestland municipality charged with sexual intercourse with a minor boy – news Vestland

It was VG who first reported this on Sunday evening. The newspaper writes that the person concerned has resigned from all his posts in the party and quit his job. The politician’s defense attorney explains to VG that his client met the victim on a dating site with an 18-year age limit. – After a few hits, he found out that the offended party was under the sexual minimum age, and then ended the relationship at once, says the defender. The politician acknowledges that he has miscalculated the age of the victim and is aware of the strict requirement of due diligence that the criminal court operates with. – He has been interviewed by the police, laid all his cards on the table and is determined to take his punishment, says the defender to news on Sunday evening. He acknowledges the factual circumstances and he also acknowledges criminal liability. – He takes full and complete responsibility for the situation that has arisen, and is primarily concerned with sparing the offended party from further burden, says the defender. The defender confirms that the person concerned has resigned from all positions and quit his job with immediate effect. – He is terribly sorry for all those he has let down, says the defender. The victim is between 14 and 16 years old. The police confirm that they have charged a man with sexual intercourse with an underage boy. – He was released the following day when it was considered that it was not necessary to remand him further, says the police attorney in charge of the case. The police state that the man is charged with sexual intercourse with children between the ages of 14 and 16. There is one victim in the case. news has been in contact with the legal counsel in the case, who does not wish to comment. The party leadership has been briefed Party secretary Kjersti Stenseng says the party leadership has been briefed on the matter. Photo: Ørn E. Borgen / NTB – It is a completely correct decision, says Kjersti Stenseng, party secretary in the Labor Party, to news, that the man has resigned from all his positions in the party. The party leadership has been informed about the case. The person concerned is on a cumulative list before the election in the autumn. – When you are on the list now, you cannot do anything about it until after the election. Then the person concerned must apply for an exemption, says Stenseng. The man’s former employer confirms to news that he has handed in his resignation.
