Liz Truss in trouble – yet another minister resigns – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

On Wednesday evening came the news that Minister of the Interior Suella Braverman has resigned. It has not been an easy day for Prime Minister Liz Truss. And the evening was to be no less difficult, as there was to be a vote in the British House of Commons. There were reports of pushing, shoving and shouting between the representatives. Representative in the House of Commons Chris Bryant. The picture is from January. Photo: UK PARLIAMENT/JESSICA TAYLOR / Reuters – I saw members of parliament who were physically pushed into another lobby and who were bullied. If we want to fight against bullying by our staff, then I guess we have to stop bullying in here too, said a frustrated Chris Bryant, who represents the British Labor Party in the House of Commons. There have also been rumors that the whip for the party, Wendy Morton, should have resigned. The BBC denied the rumor at 22:52 on Wednesday evening. Whips in Wendy Morton. Photo: JOHN SIBLEY / Reuters Says she wasn’t fired Former transport minister Grant Shapps takes over as interior minister. In a letter, Suella Braverman claims that she is leaving because she had sent an official document from her personal e-mail, which is not according to the legislation to the government. Prime Minister Liz Truss denies that Bravermann has been fired, according to The Guardian. Former UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman has resigned as minister on Wednesday. Photo: ADRIAN DENNIS / AFP Nevertheless, it is worth noting that Bravermann has been highly critical of the prime minister’s U-turn where she was actually supposed to cut the top tax for those who earn over NOK 1.8 million. Now she is the second senior minister in Truss’s government to lose her post, after Finance Minister Kwasi Kwarteng was sacked a week ago. Heavy criticism in question time Truss is in a tough spot and is fighting for her political life after she had to change her tax policy. On Friday, Jeremy Hunt became the new Chancellor of the Exchequer in Great Britain. He took over from Kwasi Kwarteng, who was fired after 38 days in the ministerial chair. During these days, Kwarteng managed to present a budget with large tax cuts that lacked coverage. This was the cut that Truss had chosen. The proposal for cuts created unrest in the markets and caused the pound to weaken sharply. On Monday, Hunt, who stands for a different fiscal policy than Truss, announced that several of the planned tax cuts would be scrapped. Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt will reverse the tax package Liz Truss was elected on. Photo: HENRY NICHOLLS / Reuters Press the prime minister Now the prime minister is fighting to win back his political authority. In question time in the House of Commons, she was asked about the U-turn last week. Labor leader Keir Starmer opened his round of questions by saying that Truss has started writing a book about his time as prime minister. – She is out for Christmas. Is it the publication date or the title?, he asked to laughter in the audience. Labor leader Keir Starmer has a lot of laughs in the House of Commons on Wednesday. Photo: JESSICA TAYLOR / AFP He also pointed out that several of the proposals that are now on the table are proposals Labor has previously made, but which have been rejected by the Conservatives. – What’s the point of a prime minister who makes promises that only last a week? Truss hit back by listing what she has been able to accomplish in the six weeks she has been prime minister, such as introducing a cap on energy prices. – It is a better record in government than what my counterpart has achieved through two and a half years in the job, she said. Refuses to go voluntarily In recent days there has been a lot of speculation about how long Truss can continue as British Prime Minister. Especially since Kwarteng had to go after proposing what was the Prime Minister’s policy. In question time on Wednesday, she was asked why she was still here when her minister had to leave. Trust that she will not resign voluntarily. – I am a warrior, not one to give up. She explains that the changes in government and politics had to be made because of the economic situation. – I took the decisions I had to in order to ensure financial stability. Bad polls At least five MPs in the Conservative Party have said that they think she is not the right person to lead the party. But during question time on Wednesday, none of these spoke. Opinion polls also show that people’s trust in Truss has plummeted since she took over as Prime Minister six weeks ago. According to the opinion polling institute YouGov, he is now the least popular prime minister since they started the poll. Another survey shows that a majority in her party believe she must resign.
