Listhaug says Hamas is responsible for the suffering – Latest news – news

21 October 2023 at 11:50 Listhaug says Hamas is responsible for the suffering – Israel has every right to defend itself against these terrorists. They have been forced into a war they did not want. FRP believes that Norway must be clear in all our communications that it is Hamas that is responsible for the suffering – both in Israel and in Gaza. They are the ones who cynically use their own people as living shields and pawns in their sick world where hatred of the Jews is far greater than concern for their own people. This is what Frp leader Sylvi Listhaug says during the national board meeting of the Progress Party on Saturday. – At the same time, there are over 2 million people who live in Gaza on a daily basis, where Hamas has now entrenched itself. The civilians there must be protected as far as possible, and humanitarian organizations must be given access so that those who are on the run and who are wounded get help. Listhaug believes the government should not have contact with Hamas and Hezbollah, because Norway does not have contact with IS and Al Qaeda either.
