Lisa Naalsund reveals mental problem – did not want the ball – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

The Brann player had a tough period when she was first selected for the national team in 2017, where she struggled with poor self-esteem as a young and fresh national team player. – When I was selected for the first meeting, I was insecure about myself and I was unable to perform, because I was unable to be myself outside the track, Naalsund explains to news. She first told the story in Bergens Tidende’s series called “Vi e Brann”. Naalsund was first selected for the national team back in 2017, although his debut with the flag on his chest did not come until June 2021 against Sweden. She said that the first gathering five years ago was a very tough experience. – There were many high-profile players there for whom I had great respect. I was what people call shy, and things like that. I was locked in and couldn’t be myself. It affected me a lot, says the Bergensar. It was actually so bad that she didn’t want the ball. – It’s a bit about the fear of making mistakes. I didn’t want the ball. I had to show myself, but every time I had to do it, my body was very strained, because I stressed too much. TAKE OUT: Lisa Naalsund is in the heat of the national team, and feels much safer now compared to before. Photo: VEGARD GRØTT / BILDBYRÅN – Is it possible to get help She believes there are more people who know or will know the same thing in the future, and that is why she is coming forward with her story. – It’s nice that not everyone thinks that you can just come to a meeting and say “I can do this”. Those who are unsure must know that it is also possible to get help. It is possible to get better, and that it doesn’t have to be like this for the rest of your life or career, says Naalsund. SERIES CHAMPIONS: Naalsund and Brann took both league gold and cup gold in 2022. Photo: VEGARD GRØTT / BILDBYRÅN As a 22-year-old in 2017, she was part of a national team that had big profiles on the team. Ingrid Hjelmseth, Ingrid Moe Wold, Elise Thorsnes, Caroline Graham Hansen and Emilie Haavi – to name a few. The last two have been on the national team in 2022 as well. – Haavi was there, and I was terrified of her. But she is very pleasant, it was only me who struggled a bit, she says. Haavi: – Not the first time I’ve heard Haavi say that she didn’t know that Naalsund was afraid of her at the first meeting. At the same time, the fear may not come completely out of the blue. – It’s not the first time I’ve heard that. I think most people who get to know me realize that I’m not that scary, but I can probably seem a bit strict at the start. I’m not, then, says Haavi with a smile. – We can have a chat later, she says. SCARY? Emilie Haavi was among the players Naalsund was afraid of at his first national team meeting. Photo: VEGARD GRØTT / BILDBYRÅN The Roma player praises her team-mate, in whom she has great faith going forward. – Lisa is a very good player who I have been waiting for to flourish in the national team. She has delivered in the Toppserien for many years. She has incredibly good drive with the ball and is strong. So I guess we will see more of her here too, says Haavi. But Naalsund gradually found out as she got older that she couldn’t be like that anymore. That is why she sought help. – I went to a coach with whom I have trained before. I was lucky to be her student. We found the tone quite quickly and it worked very quickly. After just one year, I almost felt like a different person, says the midfielder. Will help the new ones Since then, several players have either given up or are no longer part of the national team. National team manager Hege Riise has brought in several new faces since she took over in August. Naalsund hopes to be able to help the newcomers a little extra so that they do not have a similar experience. – Yes, you want to be fair to everyone so that they dare to be themselves and are not afraid of making mistakes. It’s really just being pleasant and helping them, says the Brann player. Naalsund has been unlucky in 2022 as well. She was injured in the dress rehearsal for the football European Championship against New Zealand, and was not allowed to take part in the championship in England this summer. Now he is registered with seven international matches for the A national team. Norway plays a private international match against France on Sunday and on Tuesday they meet the reigning European champions England. The campaigns are shown on news’s ​​channel.
