Linda Strand’s home-made mousetrap with Bamsemum’s ends up in Høgsterett – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary The Supreme Court will today hear a case about the killing of mice. The case started when a woman in Surnadal killed many mice with a homemade mouse trap. The police gave her a fine of NOK 6,000, but she refused to pay. She claims she was just trying to protect her house from pests. Now the Supreme Court will decide whether the requirement for a humane killing method should also apply to pests such as mice. If the Supreme Court sentences the woman, it could have major consequences for many others who have euthanized mice in the same way. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by journalists from news before publication. The country’s highest court has a special case on the table today: the killing of mice. And there is so much interest in the case that the Supreme Court has decided to broadcast directly from the courtroom, something that has only been done in a handful of cases before. You can follow the case here from 9 o’clock. There are 4 1/2 hours until the hearing in the Supreme Court. Lawyer John Christian Elden said in his opening speech on Thursday that it is important for Linda Strand to use a mouse trap. – It is a matter of whether Linda Strand will be able to live at home, he said on Thursday morning. Elden says it should be possible to live in his 400-year-old log house. He says it would not be more humane to use other, more traditional mousetraps or cats. Lure them with Bamsemum’s Tree Barnsmora Linda Strand in Surnadal was so tired of the mice darting around her family’s old wooden house that she decided to take matters into her own hands. The problem must have been so great that ordinary mouse traps, high-frequency noises, poison – or an extra cat did not help. The solution was to lure the mice out with Bamsemums to an empty, rotating soda can. There they fell into an old zinc bucket with antifreeze and water and drowned. The controversial mousetrap with Bamsemums as bait. Photo: Privat With the home-made mouse trap, she was able to catch dozens of mice in a short time. Today she appears in the Supreme Court for mouse killing. – I’m happy and think it’s exciting, and have a lot of faith that this time it will go that way, says Strand. The cat Rigfar has not been able to cope with all the mice in the house. Photo: Eirik Haukenes / news Zoologist is skeptical Petter Bøckmann, who is a zoologist at the Museum of Natural History, guest news Nyhetsmorgon on Thursday. He is skeptical of the killing method of Linda Strand. – It is no more fun for a mouse to drown in a bucket than it would be for people, he says. He thinks the smartest thing to do for people who are plagued by mice is to make sure they don’t have access to food. Rat poison, mouse traps or extra cats are also problematic, says Bøckmann. Zoologist Petter Bøckman is skeptical of the drowning trap that is now being discussed in the Supreme Court. Photo: Roy Pettersen / news You can see and hear the entire interview on news Nyhetsmorgon here: Nyhetsmorgen, Politisk kvarter and Kulturnytt – everything you need for an updated start to the day. Direct from studio 50 every morning. Claims she has broken the law The police first fined her NOK 6,000 when they became aware of the home-made mouse trap through a Facebook post. The district court concluded the same. But Linda Strand refused to pay, pointing out that she was trying to protect her house and home. She is adamant about that – and now the Supreme Court will decide whether the requirement for a sound killing method in terms of animal welfare should also apply to pests such as mice. Here is the legal text that is disputed if Linda Strand is prosecuted for breaching the Animal Welfare Act §37, compared to §12, for killing animals in a way that is not animal welfare appropriate: “The killing of animals and handling in connection with the killing must be done in an animal welfare appropriate manner manner. Anyone who uses stunning or killing equipment must ensure that it is suitable and maintained. Animals that are owned or otherwise kept in human custody must be stunned before killing. The stunning method must result in loss of consciousness, and the animal must be unconscious from before killing begins and until death occurs. The requirement for anesthesia before killing does not apply if the animal is killed by a method that results in immediate loss of consciousness. After killing has been carried out, it must be ensured that the animal is dead. Euthanasia in an emergency shall, to the greatest extent possible, take place in accordance with the first and second paragraphs. The killing of animals must not take place as an independent element of entertainment or competition. The King can issue further regulations on requirements for the environment, equipment and handling in connection with the killing of animals. The king can make exceptions to the provisions in the second paragraph for animals other than land animals and marine mammals”. State Attorney Magne Nyborg represents the prosecution in the mouse case in the Supreme Court. Photo: Marius André Jenssen Stenberg / news – Now we have a law which states that all mammals have the right to be treated in a good way, where you do what you can to avoid suffering, says state attorney Magne Nyborg. The animal rights organization Noah says the same. They claim the use of the homemade mouse trap is animal cruelty. Head of the animal rights organization Noah, Siri Martinsen. Photo: Ingeborg Undheim / news – The Norwegian Food Safety Authority has given a clear message that the regulations must be interpreted so that this type of trap is illegal, they have said that very clearly, says leader Siri Martinsen. The old log house in Surnadal has been home to many mice in recent years. Now a family of four also lives there. Photo: Eirik Haukenes / news I think the verdict is important for many. Lawyer Thor Kleppen Sættem believes that there will be major consequences if the Supreme Court today decides that Linda Strand should be sentenced. He has previously stated to news that hundreds, if not thousands, of people around the country have killed mice in the same way. Linda Strand has received many reactions to the case. Several people are angry at what she has done. Photo: Eirik Haukenes / news Now it will be up to the Supreme Court to decide whether the euthanasia method in Surnadal is illegal. Linda Strand has no regrets and follows the proceedings from the audience bench. – It is perhaps an important issue, I see that it is very important for some, so I get to take one for the team, says Linda Strand. Linda Strand has studied various ways of killing the mice, but finally found her own method. Photo: Eirik Haukenes / news Published 13.06.2024, at 08.47 Updated 13.06.2024, at 09.10
