Lillebjørn Nilsen will be laid to rest from Oslo City Hall on 9 February – Greater Oslo

The beloved artist’s funeral will be held in Oslo City Hall on February 9 at 13. The business committee decided that today. The costs are shared between Oslo municipality and the family. Earlier this week, it became known that he will not get a funeral at the state’s expense. – There is overall political agreement to give Lillebjørn the honor he deserves, says mayor Anne Lindboe to news. Therefore, together with the family, they will hold an honorary funeral that is open to everyone. There is space for approx. 900 people in the town hall. Lillebjørn Nilsen passed away on Saturday 27 January, aged 73. Several awards from Oslo municipality The Visesangeren has received several awards and prizes, becoming one of the capital’s most popular cultural figures. He has, among other things, received Oslo City’s cultural award and artist award. In 2017, he was honored with the St. Hallvard Medal, the city’s highest award. He is the only one to have received all three awards from the municipality. According to mayor Anne Lindboe, he had very special ties to the capital and its inhabitants. – Through his musical talent and lyrics, he has left a lasting legacy, and he will be remembered as an artist who conveyed the pulse and heart of the city, she says. – He loved Oslo, and we love him back, Lindboe says the municipality will also look at other opportunities to honor the singer going forward. – There are many good ideas, and he should get the attention he deserves. Because he has meant a lot to many. – He has colored and set the tone for the whole of Oslo. That’s what Eivor Evenrud, spokesperson for cultural policy in the Labor Party, says. Mayor Anne Lindboe (H) and Eivor Evenrud (Ap). Photo: Fouad Acharki / news The mayor describes a man who was important to the capital, also in the difficult times. – He has been with us after the corona. After the terrible incident on July 22. He has put into words the beautiful, and the difficult, around our city. That’s why it will be good to be able to say good night to Lillebjørn at the Town Hall, says Lindboe. – He loved Oslo, and we love him back. Lillebjørn’s talent brought him into the limelight as a shy 15-year-old. This is his own story about music, fame and an eternal longing for peace.
