– Like a punch in the face – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– I became restless and ill. I got a little anxious. It wasn’t the nicest thing to watch, he says, and emphasizes that he is not against Granfoss getting help. – If you choose to support him after this, then that is very nice. But one must not forget us, we who have been exposed to this. The series is about Jan Egil Granfoss, a disabled man in his 60s, who moved to the Philippines in 2012. Now he wants to come home. In the series, the documentary series was supposed to come to terms with public Norway. But on Sunday it became known that news is temporarily withdrawing the documentary after it emerged that the main character was convicted in an assault case in 1991. The verdict involves six victims, who were children at the time. Granfoss received a suspended sentence of eight months, but this sentence was omitted from the series. In the judgment, it appears that the man lacks an understanding of boundaries. Lawyer Leif Strøm has said that Granfoss himself wanted the verdict to be mentioned in the documentary. About “Nobody loves Bamsegut”: The documentary series “Nobody loves Bamsegut” is made by the program department of news Trøndelag. The news division works journalistically independently with the news coverage of the case. – I want it to be honest One of the victims in this case is participating in tonight’s Debate. He wishes to remain anonymous, but says that it was like getting “a punch in the face” that the series did not mention the abuse verdict. – I want justice to be served. I want it to be honest. – People also have the right to know who they support, he says, pointing to the fundraiser that has been set up. – What did you find out about the series from news? – I received a phone call where I was told that they were going to make a series and that it should come on such and such a date. I thought it was going to be about his relationship with Nav. When I saw that it went into such detail about his childhood and how unfairly he has had it – and nothing was mentioned about what he has done. Then I reacted. – By all means, if he is struggling down there… But playing on how sorry it is for him, it is in a way to erase what has happened. That is not okay. – I want justice to be served, says the man. Photo: Hanna Johre / news – It was a major misjudgment news has subsequently apologized for not including the verdict in the series, and has stated that they chose to omit the verdict for two reasons: One reason was the consideration of the offended and the consideration of Bamsegut and the family, the second reason was the relevance of the verdict to the series. news’s ​​district director Marius Lillelien admits that this was a misjudgment. – It was a big misjudgment, we should have included it. It would have given a more accurate picture of history, and contributed to a better situation for all those involved. We just have to regret that, we made a big misjudgment, said during the Debate. Ethics editor at news, Per Arne Kalbakk, was asked whether the broadcasting manager knew about these conditions. – No, not immediately. Because she only got involved when there was discussion about the publication of the series. – She was informed about the conditions and the assessment. And she didn’t put her foot down? – No. One of those who have criticized the series is Kristina Pletten, a commentator in Aftenposten. – As the series appears, it should not have been broadcast by news. There are a number of major weaknesses with it, the whole premise is a combination of journalism and activism. There are two goals in a way here, which Strømøy will achieve. He will both help Bamsegut home from the Philippines, and he will engage in system criticism and journalism. When he tries to combine these two, it goes wrong. news’s ​​district director Marius Lillelien. Photo: Ole Kaland / news More complaints The Broadcasting Council had on Tuesday morning received 193 complaints about the news series. In addition, PFU, the Press’ Professional Committee, has received several complaints. In addition to making changes to include the verdict in the documentary, changes are also made in connection with Granfoss’ minor son, who is part of the series. This was stated by ethics editor at news, Per Arne Kalbakk, on Monday. Erling Kjærmann, who was a lawyer for Granfoss 15 years ago, is in the Debate tonight. He demands to be interviewed again if the series is to continue. – If news republishes “Ingen elsker Bamsegut”, then I demand to be interviewed again by Tore Strømøy because new information has been added in this case complex, the full extent of which I was not aware of when I was interviewed in autumn last year. – I stand by what I have said in the series, but I see it as necessary to make additions beyond what I say in the program which has now been taken off. Engagement The series attracted enormous engagement when it was released on news TV. Almost 700,000 total viewers watched the series’ first episode before it was removed. Many also wanted to support the man after the series was published. A Spleis campaign has now collected almost NOK 4 million. The splice was put on hold, but is now open again.
