Light pollution causes Bodø municipality to take action – news Nordland

Experts across disciplines have been concerned. The reason is light pollution. It is the light that is redundant or unwanted. Such contamination can occur if lights are installed or angled incorrectly, or if they shine too brightly. An example could be street lights. The luminaires are designed to shine towards the ground, but often lack shielding so that the light is also sent up into the atmosphere. Today we surround ourselves with so much light that it can be harmful to both animals and people. Now Bodø municipality will take action. Want to take the night back – The goal must be to take the night back. To be able to see the night sky, northern lights and stars again. That’s what Håkon Andreas Møller (MDG) says. He is the leader of the planning and environment committee in Bodø municipality. Stavanger is one of the few municipalities in the country that has drawn up its own lighting plan. It has previously won the Norwegian Light Prize. Now Bodø is following suit. Because the municipalities have every right to make demands. – It is a comprehensive plan. There are no government requirements or expectations for the municipalities when it comes to lighting strategy. We want an overall framework that puts things in context, says Møller. In Norway, there is an academic environment for light at the University of Southeast Norway. Here we find the only education in the country that educates future architectural lighting designers. It’s important to be in control Scholarship holder Helga Iselin Wåseth is working on her doctorate where she looks at how lighting design can reduce light pollution. She has taken a look at the plans for Bodø, and likes what she sees. – I am very pleased! This is absolutely great and it sends some signals. Not only that you take control of your own lighting, but it also sends signals to private individuals and businesses to think about the lighting, she says. Wåseth highlights, among other things, the points about color temperature and which type of luminaires should be used. Helga Iselin Wåseth believes Bodø municipality is sending some clear signals when they now put the strategy in place. Photo: Marit Sommervold – Why is it important? – It is important that in a city you have control over the different light levels and color temperatures. You have the opportunity to do that with such a plan, she says, and continues: – Our eye adjusts to how bright it is. If there is too much light in one area, surrounding areas can appear darker than they are. If you manage to adjust the light levels in relation to each other, it is positive for the cityscape, she says. The Bodø politician completely agrees with that. – The most important realization is that there is no question of more or stronger lighting. Correct lighting will often be more subdued, and therein lies a potential gain. Another advantage of a good lighting plan is that it can also save electricity. – The fact that you can adjust the light level throughout the day as needed will also help to save electricity. It is positive. Then you get a win-win situation. Both a lower light level and the opportunity to save electricity.
