Less time at the gym, but the same result? Then there is one thing you should focus on, says researcher – news Trøndelag

Here comes good news for everyone who struggles to squeeze in a training session during the day. Researchers have found that you can halve the time at the gym, but still achieve the same results. How, you might ask? Yes, by not lifting weights. You can read the study in its entirety here. Most effective The new research is a collaboration across countries, but has been published by Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Australia. Here, experts have found that one type of muscle contraction is the most effective for increasing both muscle strength and the size of the muscle. But instead of lifting weights, which is perhaps the most natural thing for many of us, the focus should be on lowering them. It is therefore only the one movement that is strictly necessary to achieve results, the researchers believe. Unnecessary hard work? The participants in the new study were divided into three groups. Everyone was tasked with performing exercises with dumbbells (hand-held weights). Someone should both lift and lower them, others should hold them in a static position, while the last group should only focus on lowering. They trained twice a week for a total of five weeks. The study also had a control group that did not exercise at all. The results then showed that those who only lowered the dumbbells had the same problems compared to the group that both raised and lowered the weights. Even if they only performed half of the repetitions. Muscular strength is the ability to develop force. Volume is about making the muscle itself bigger. Photo: POPROTSKIY ALEXEY Three seconds a day makes a difference Professor and researcher Ken Nosaka says the results support previous research done in the same area. The findings indicate that a focus on eccentric muscle contractions, where activated muscles are lengthened, is most important for increasing both strength and muscle size. – We already know that just one such contraction a day can increase strength if it is performed five days a week. Even if it’s only three seconds a day. While lifting a weight does not produce the same effect. The professor says so in a press release. Furthermore, he explains that the findings can make things easier for people pressed for time. But someone may be wondering how to lower the weight without lifting it first? Not agreed At least Marius Steiro Fimland does. He is a professor of pipe science at NTNU and a researcher at Unicare Helsefort rehabilitation centre. He says the study has been well carried out, but that he does not fully understand the argument that one will save a lot of time on this. – I don’t agree with that. The weight has to be lifted in one way or another before you can hold back on the way down. And if you have a special machine or an assistant who takes care of this, there will still be minimal time to save, he says to news. Professor Nosaka is clearly disagreeable. And have some suggestions on how to be time efficient. When it comes to training with dumbbells, he suggests that you help the weight up quickly with both hands, and that you then use only one arm when lowering. Use at least three seconds on the pipe, is the recommendation. He says the same applies to training other body parts. Such as outcomes. Bend one knee while slowly going down. When you go up again – use as little energy as possible. Marius Steiro Fimland thinks the study is good, but does not think this way of training is particularly time-efficient. Photo: Ole Martin Wold – Worth noting Marius Steiro Fimland says the results of the new study show a minimal difference in the results between the participants who both lifted and lowered dumbbells, and those who only lowered them. Nevertheless, he believes there are advantages to performing both movements. – I would recommend everyone to do strength training regularly. Both lifting and lowering the weight. Unless there are special reasons to only do one of the parts. He says that lifting a weight is good physical exercise. – If you only lower the weight, you miss out on a lot of good training that could have resulted in better health and functional ability. This study has also measured the effect of training in a very simple exercise (biceps curl). I don’t think the results would have been as good in more complex exercises, such as squats or bench presses. But something is worth noting from the new study, says the NTNU professor. – What I think we can take with us is that you shouldn’t forget to slow down the weight when you train for strength. There are many who only focus on lifting. Professor Ken Nosaka still has a time-saving tip left in stock. He has created an overview of simple exercises you can do at home in the living room. In any case, then you don’t need to spend time traveling to and from the fitness centre. This is how you can perform training exercises at home This is how you can perform training exercises at home: When you do the exercises, you should feel that you are gradually stretching the contracted muscles until the movement naturally stops, informs Nosaka. You must minimize the effort to return to the starting position. Repeat each exercise ten times, and spend three seconds on the exercise itself. Sit on a chair: Sit down slowly on a chair. Please use three seconds. If this is too easy, use only one leg. Lean back: Sit far forward on the chair, and create a space between the back and the backrest. Then slowly lean back. Uneven squat: Stand behind a chair and lean to the side to put more weight on one leg. Then squat down. Heel down: You are still behind a chair. Lean forward and lift your heels. Then lift one leg off the ground and lower the heel of the other leg. Wall kiss: Lean against a wall with both arms fully extended. Bend your elbow joint slowly so that your face comes close to the wall.
