Leading the fight against Trump – but losing the “cowboy voters” at home – Urix

For hour after hour, she has picked apart Donald Trump and what happened before the storming of Congress. Congressman Liz Cheney is the woman leading the hearings on the attack on Congress on January 6 last year. Now many Americans see her as a politician who can actually save the shaky democracy in the United States. But not everyone agrees. Cheney is one of only two Republicans on the committee investigating what happened when Congress was stormed by people who had voted for her own party. It probably means that her political career in Congress is over. August 16 is the nomination election at home in Wyoming. Cheney must win that if she is to stay in her job in Washington. And it looks bad in the opinion polls. Cassidy Hutchinson stunned many on June 28 when she told how Donald Trump behaved on January 6. Among other things, he is said to have had a fit of rage when the security guards refused to drive him up to the congress during the storming. Photo: EVELYN HOCKSTEIN / Reuters “Western” values ​​- What are you doing in Cheyenne? Roslan Fichtner (23) is the first person we meet outside “The Wrangler” on Capitol Avenue. The clothing store sells proper boots and cowboy hats for several thousand kroner. There are many people like that who join here. Also Roslan. But right now, she’s just wearing a simple white T-shirt with an American flag on it. The young teacher has come out of a cafe with her brother Rowan (25), her husband and his wife. Two siblings born and raised in Wyoming love to live here and explain what it means to be value-conservative. Rowan and Roslan Ficthner had a long conversation with news’s ​​correspondent on the streets of Cheyenne with their respective spouses. Rowan and Roslan Ficthner pose in front of a mural in Cheyenne to commemorate Wyoming being the very first state to grant women the right to vote. America’s most pig-ridden Cheyenne is the state capital of America’s least populous state, Wyoming. The city has only 60,000 inhabitants and is located in the brown mountain landscape of the Rocky Mountains, just 40 minutes’ drive north from Colorado. You quickly see the change when you cross the state border from liberal Colorado, which many associate with ski resorts and legal cannabis. In Colorado, 55.4 percent voted for Joe Biden in the last presidential election. In Wyoming, 70 percent voted for Donald Trump. Two of them were Roslan and his brother Rowan (25). – We were brought up with traditional western values, explains Roslan. What is it? – Family, Christianity and hard work. In the US, you can always work harder, my father used to say, she explains. She herself did rodeo riding in high school. She and her brother grew up on a small ranch. – But we only have nine cows. Most people here have hundreds or thousands. Roslan and Rowan go to church every Sunday. An evangelical free church that means a lot to them. Faith is important, and they are against abortion. – That case is really only about when you think life begins. We believe that it begins at conception, explains medical student Rowan. Harley and old Western architecture in Cheyenne. In Cheyenne, time has almost stood still. The boot shop The Wrangler is the red building at the far back on the right. Such signs have been put up in many places in the United States in recent months. Harriet Hageman gets a lot of marketing at home in Cheyenne. And Trump gives her a ride. Archconservative Cheney Liz Cheney (55) is also “for life” as they say in the US. She is against abortion, against stricter gun laws. She is a very conservative politician. Liz Cheney has five children and calls herself a rodeo mom. But that’s not enough when you go out with Donald Trump. Not even in Wyoming. Cheney was elected to Congress in Washington when Trump won the 2016 presidential election. Liz Cheney and Donald Trump while still on the airwaves. This picture is from March 2017. Photo: JIM WATSON / AFP This autumn she would like to be re-elected, but it looks difficult. And she doesn’t get Rowan and Roslan’s votes. – I don’t know her personally, and I don’t like to criticize people I don’t know. But as a Republican from Wyoming, I disagree with her, says Rowan. In November, the Republican Party in Wyoming decided that Liz Cheney should be excluded. Her father’s daughter Elsewhere in the US, quite a few would say that Liz Cheney is brave. On the morning of January 6, 2021, she was on her way into the hall in the congress building to speak when her father called. Donald Trump had just mentioned her by name to the thousands of supporters gathered. – We must get weak Republicans removed from Congress. “The Liz Cheyenne” of the world, he said just before the protesters stormed the congress. – He said that the president had mentioned my name when he spoke to the protesters. Dad and I discussed the implications of what Trump had said. It was strange talking to Dad about something the President of the United States had said putting my safety at risk, Liz Cheney told the New York Times podcast the Daily earlier this year. Father and daughter during the one-year anniversary of the storming of Congress on January 6 this year. Liz and Dick Cheney have always been close to each other. Here they are in Poland during the 60-year commemoration of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp in 2005. He was more than a vice-president for George W. Bush. Dick Cheney had great influence in the White House 2001–2008.Dick Cheney, his wife Lynne and Liz Cheney with her husband and four children. Her dad is not just anyone. Dick Cheney (80) is in many ways Wyoming’s great political son. He grew up in the town of Casper two hours north of Cheyenne. He loved hunting and fishing and would have liked to roast rabbit in the lunchbox, say those who know him. But Cheney wanted up and out. He eventually became a congressman and then chief of staff to President Richard Nixon. He was the youngest ever in such a job. In 2000, he became the vice president of George W. Bush. For eight years, Cheney was one of America’s most powerful men. “Fucking asshole” Liz Cheney was in the hall when she was told that there was an unauthorized person in the congress building. Jim Jordan, a Trump-loyal colleague from South Carolina, saw her standing in the aisle and said: – Let me help you. We have to get the women off the aisle. – Don’t touch me, you fucking asshole, replied Cheney. She knew that Jordan had been in contact with Trump about what was going to happen and that he believed the election was stolen. Liz Cheney in the middle of the drama on January 6 last year, before she was evacuated. On the left with his back is Jim Jordan, a congressman who may have known what was about to happen because he had participated in the planning of the demonstration.Liz Cheney with the leadership group of the Republican Party from which she was fired after she turned against Trump. Jim Jordan on the left, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy at the microphone. Democrat Jamie Raskin led the impeachment trial against Trump and admires Liz Cheney’s courage even though they are far apart politically. Already a few hours later on this dramatic evening, Liz Cheney settled with Trump. A few weeks later, she was one of only ten Republicans in the House of Representatives to vote for Trump to be impeached for a second time. It cost her dearly. She was stripped of her position in the Republican leadership group. The great majority in the party were not ready to turn against the president. Liz Cheney became one of only two Republicans who wanted to be on the committee investigating what happened on January 6. When Congress marked the one-year anniversary of the storming on January 6 this year, she and her father were the only two Republicans present in the chamber. The father stated that the party fellas should be ashamed. – I am very disappointed that we do not have better leadership in the party who can restore the constitution, he told ABC News. Trump: Not the best for the country – We were against what happened on January 6, assure the two siblings in their 20s on the streets of Cheyenne. They both voted for Trump, but think it was wrong for other Republicans to storm Congress. – It was wrong to storm the congress building. The National Guard should have been there. It was police officers who killed themselves afterwards, says Roslan. Rowan doesn’t think it’s a good idea for Trump to come back as president. – I agreed with much of what he said and stood for. Man he is not a typical president. And for the nation going forward, I don’t think he is the wisest choice. However, if Trump’s wife Liz Cheney’s re-election to Congress is supported, the two will not support – We know her opponent, Harriet Hageman. She has done a lot for our state and wants to help ranchers and farmers here. We will vote for her and not Liz Cheney in August. Donald Trump in Casper Wyoming with Harriet Hageman trying to knock out Liz Cheney. Photo: Lauren Miller / AP Harriet Hageman is an attorney who lives in Cheyenne and has spent her career fighting federal bureaucrats in Washington. She is also Trump’s preferred candidate in the autumn midterm elections in Wyoming. Hageman is now thirty percentage points ahead of Cheney in the polls. She was critical of Trump in the election campaign in 2016. But today she fully supports him and has suggested that election fraud in 2020. – There were serious problems with the 2020 election and that Republicans have been hanged for using their freedom of speech afterwards, has she stated – Why did they open the doors to Congress? Everyone news meets in Cheyenne has the same opinion about Liz Cheney. Sharana Wealthy sits in a deck chair in a park. She is on a picnic with some friends. – Cheney has to work where she actually lives, and that in Washington DC. She does not represent us in Wyoming. Sharna also supports Harriet Hageman. Sharana Wealty likes Trump and distrusts many other politicians. Right now she is very worried about the economy. She and her husband run a company that sells waste oil. Now the times seem uncertain and unstable. Photo: Tove Bjørgaas / news She would like Trump to come back as president. – We were in a better place when he led the country than we are now. He did everything he said he was going to do Sharna and the man runs a small company in the oil industry, but despite high oil prices these are uncertain times. -What about 6 January, what happened that day? – I watched TV while it was going on. I just thought: Why are they opening the doors? They shouldn’t open those doors to that mob. I wonder if the whole thing wasn’t another setup to make Trump look bad – I would definitely vote for him again! – What about the election, do you think it was stolen. She lowers her voice. – I think so, me. Yes, I certainly think it was. Sharana Wealthy and the neighbors agree politically and are good friends. Photo: Tove Bjørgaas / news – A brave and decent woman Cheney’s campaign is trying to get Democrats in the state to stand for her on 16 August. They can still vote for the Democratic candidate in the congressional elections themselves in November. But the abortion issue and other Cheney conservative opinions on make it difficult. However, it is most Democrats who brag about Cheney. She is rock-hard and a woman of real decency and courage, says Democrat Jeremy Raskin, who co-chaired the hearings with Cheney, to the New York Times. Some believe that Cheney has greater political ambitions, such as trying to become a presidential candidate in 2024. And that is why she has dared to go against the large majority at home and risk her congressional seat. But the political climate in the party is not blowing her way now. On August 16, the congressional career that made her a well-known political figure may come to an end. But first she will preside over the finale of the most spectacular series of congressional hearings the United States has seen since the Watergate trial against Nixon in the 1970s.
