Leaders proposed cuts at Glomstua care district in Molde after “brainstorming” – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

The Glomstua care district in Molde has spent NOK 11 million too much this year. The management therefore sat down and brainstormed how they could save. The proposal was, among other things, to leave patients lying down, that they are not allowed to shower and not to deploy extra personnel for restless patients or those who are about to die. The internal memo was shared on social media by employees and now criticism is pouring in. It was the Romsdal messenger who first mentioned the case. Hans Hjelle and Elin Kathrine Simensen both sit on the work committee for relatives at Glomstua care center. They are shocked by the savings proposal. Photo: Hans-Olav Landsverk / news Shocked Harald Hjelle has his father in the nursing home and could hardly believe what he read. – I reacted with shock and disbelief. It was a list we had not imagined could see the light of day, says Hjelle. He sits on the work committee for the next of kin. What scared him the most was the point that extra people should not be hired to take care of those who are about to die. Not putting people in for sick leave also has major consequences, he believes. The fear is that his father will be lying in bed and will not be helped to get into the wheelchair. Hjelle suspects that several of the points are simply against the law. – I don’t understand how they are going to manage to cut more. Today, the service offer is almost at a minimum. It will be storage instead of care, says Hjelle. Corinna Stene is unit manager in the Glomstua care district. She says that many of the proposals in the internal memorandum are never implemented. Photo: Hans-Olav Landsverk / news Must be removed from the list The memo was an attempt to find ways to maintain the financial framework, says unit manager Corinna Stene. She can assure you that many things on the list will never be completed. – There are things that go against our regulations and our ethics, so it doesn’t hold water. There are many things here that are struck from the list, says Stene. All the proposals were written down uncritically and sent to the employees who were to be given input. Even though Stene knew that the proposal was against the law, she sent it out anyway, because she did not want to dictate to the employees. The unit leader is upset because the list became public knowledge and that many people have become anxious and nervous. – The patients must get what they need both in terms of staff, good food and the care that is necessary to be well, says Stene. Trine Sevaldsen is the county manager of the Nurses’ Association. She believes the financial framework is so narrow that it will be impossible to save without breaking the law. Photo: Eirik Haukenes / news – Political responsibility The Nurses’ Association believes that the politicians have seen employees in the care service in an impossible situation with such tight financial limits that it is not professionally justifiable. – It is incredibly well done that the employees are so clear that this cannot be solved without breaking the law. Then it is a political responsibility to ensure that the framework is expanded, says county manager Trine Sevaldsen. Mayor Torgeir Dahl says that Molde municipality spends significantly more money on nursing and care than comparable municipalities. They must therefore take action to prevent the imbalance from becoming too great. The residents must nevertheless experience a good and safe old age.
