Lars Petter Solås: – I’ve made a fool of myself – Latest news – news

8 May 2023 at 16:24 Lars Petter Solås: – I’ve made a fool of myself FRP mayoral candidate in Oslo Lars Petter Solås writes in a Facebook post on Monday that he regrets the incident at a nachspiel during the party’s national meeting on 29 April. – I’ve made a fool of myself. During the national meeting on Saturday 29 April, I drank far too much and lost control of myself. At a nachspiel I behaved recklessly towards several journalists. Several newspapers have covered the events, writes Solås in the post. He further writes that the episode is like a black hole for him, but that there is no excuse. – I apologize profusely to the journalists concerned. Journalists are important in a democratic society, and must prevent politicians from behaving as it is described that I did. Critical journalism must also involve casting a critical spotlight on politicians, and I therefore understand that my case is also discussed. Solås says he is cooperating fully with the party in the further handling of the case and that he will now be on sick leave for some time to come. – I deeply apologize to all those who have been affected by this. Sorry to all of you. Pardon! I am incredibly sorry!, concludes Solås.
